Does God speak to you? HOW?

by Quentin 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Curtains

    I'm very glad for you psac that you have found peace in the voice of the Lord.

  • Inkie

    PS: I know some of whereof you speak. Especially the "peace" given. That was and is incredible indeed. Thank you for sharing your story. It is a wonderful story. May Jah bless and keep you. May His Christ continue to shine upon you. --Inkie

  • myelaine

    dear Sylvia...

    that scripture is an example of Jesus telling the truth and upsetting the is also an example in that there is no need to defend or debate the little things.(would a "good tree" get upset about handwashing to the degree that they would disagree completely with everything you said? would a "good tree" let a small disagreement cloud their thoughts to the point of murderous intent in order to silence?) certainly there is earnestly contending for the faith once for all delivered to the saints and having to explain and/or defend every little peripheral notion/"doctrine".

    love michelle

  • snowbird

    Point taken, Michelle.

    It is also an example of knowing when to say, forget it.

    Love, also.


  • lovelylil

    Thank you Michelle. Peace, Lilly

  • sooner7nc

    Thanks for starting this thread Quentin. It's been a breath of fresh air amongst all the turd threads.

    One thing I would like to point out is that I don't even consider myself to be Christian per se, yet I truly see or better yet feel what I can only describe as "God's Love and Tenderness" when I see my child, or read about Sylvia learning to read from a coffee can on her father's knee, or a vast array of other experiences. I guess I could say that I have a more spiritual way of looking at everything around me.

    Still, I can't put my finger on anything that tells me that God exists but I dearly, no desperately, want that God that I see in all the beauty and love around me to be real.


  • Satanus

    The thing is, the way moses and paul speak of god constructing the universe runs contrasry to the evidence. The evidence suggests a continuous process of growth, of accretion of smaller or simpler into bigger and more complex. Evidence suggests that it all started from something analogous to a seed. The whole thing suggests an almost organic process, similar to the growth of a tree. We are simply a product/byproduct of all of that.


  • lovelylil

    God is not far away from us like some believe;

    Acts 17:27-28 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’

    Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

    God speaks but do we listen?

  • Quentin

    Is refreshing isn't it. For me intersesting as well. It has given me a mature prespective about individuals. For whaterver reason no trolls, or whack jobs have made an apperance on this thread. Some have displayed more passion than others, while some have been matter of fact. Been a well balanced disscussion.

    Don't have to be Christian to feel the Creator in your life. One day you'll wake up, sit on the edge of your bed and say hmmm, isn't that interesting, how bout that. You and God will come togather, it will happen. In the mean time keep doing what your doing. Enjoy life as it comes to you.

  • watersprout

    I have just realized that i haven't commented on how God speaks to me. So here goes.

    God speaks to me in Babysprout when she sings ''you raise me up'' and her little face lights up and her arms start flying about... When i feel unwell and she covers me up with a blanket and makes me a drink... When ''spring'' starts to bloom, the flowers open, the trees bud and the animals start bringing new life onto this planet.

    God speaks to me each morning when i open my eyes to a new day...God speaks to me when His son comforts me when i'm in turmoil... God speaks to me when He sent His son to teach, comfort and love me.


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