Does God speak to you? HOW?

by Quentin 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento
    You're a smart guy, PSac, but there are times you bring to mind something my father said to me when I was a teenager. He said, "Sometimes, son, it is apparent that you think with your little head."

    You say that as if it was a bad thing, LOL !

  • Nickolas

    Strange, but that's exactly what I said to my dad ...

  • ziddina
    "Well, Zid, I know what you're saying but I believed in that 3,500-to-4,000-year-old Middle-Eastern herdsmens' 'god' for a long, long time myself. ..."

    Nickolas, I was beaten into a sort of "belief" in that 'god' myself - albeit unwillingly so... I am too familiar with the mental 'tricks' I used to "believe" in that recently-generated Middle-Eastern regional 'god' - mostly to avoid beatings, kickings, verbal disapproval and so on...

    To quote the late and much-beloved George Carlin: "No sense in getting the sh*t kicked out of you, every day!" Superficial conformity reduced the violence, but was an innate betrayal of myself...

    Being familiar with those methods of self-delusion - and well aware, consciously aware, even as a child, that I was using methods of self-delusion to conform to biblical illogic, in order to avoid violence and censure - I am not forgiving of people who are still using those methods when they are more free than I was [as an endangered child..] to simply drop the self-delusions...

    My childhood is a microcosm of the effects of Christianity historically upon the world at large... Most of the recently-constructed Middle-Eastern male god religions seem to have an innate intolerance for all other forms of worship - and that makes them - and their followers - dangerous to human freedom.

    "Heretic" burnings, killings of 'heathen' intellectuals, "witch" burnings, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, McCarthyism, and the current uprising of fundamentalist followers of Middle-Eastern gods - the Christians and the Muslims - merely demonstrate the dangers of these so-called "mono-theistic" Middle-Eastern forms of religious fascism.

    It is so funny to see Christians trying to act all "fluffy-bunny-cute-puppies-baby-animals" sweet and cuddly, in light of their history...

  • Nickolas

    Same page. Different approach. Jury's still out.

  • andrekish

    Hi WhereAmI.

    Just a little extra info picked up online re your statement below:

    "We KNOW for a fact that the sun will implode in a few billion years."

    I can't help but agree that science seems to currently think we are all going up in a puff of smoke eventually. I've posted a few thought from of the the UKs leading physicists, Dr. Brian Cox, who is currently working with the Large Hadron Collider in Cerne. The following are extracts from an interview ho did a with the Daily Telegraph newspaper which may, or in some cases, may not be helpful.

    "Sometimes I look at the stars and I wonder: what the f--k is going on?”

    "The Creationist belief that the world is 6,000 years old is dismissed as “b-----ks”, anyone who believes the world is going to end next year because of the Mayan calendar is “a moron”. And people who believe Cern’s Large Hadron Collider will suck the universe into a black hole are “t--ts”.

    “Rowan Williams (Archbishop of Canterbury) is a very thoughtful man. If you want to move society forward in a more rational direction, religious leaders can be useful because they share that view. Setting yourself up as anti-religion is not helpful. You can set yourself up as anti-maniac, that’s different. So it’s OK to say that if you believe the world was created 6,000 years ago, as the Creationists do, then you are an idiot. There is nothing wrong in saying that because you are an idiot. But setting yourself up as an atheist who is against all religion is not a battle that needs to be fought."

    “Cosmology has become a precision science so that we can see exactly what it is we don’t understand. We can see, for example, that the universe is accelerating in its expansion, it’s just we don’t understand why… yet.”

    Currently, new discoveries are being made every day. This week the BBC announced that scientists have discovered a star that makes no noise whatsoever. It is a silent star and seems to be defying the laws of nature in that all stars previously discovered emit 'noise' from their cores. Almost every week new discoveries are announced that cause the theoretical physicists to rethink and add to their theories. Their brains must be about to go into supernova......

    It certainly looks like there may well be some amazing and thought provoking discoveries during our lifetimes and it makes me wonder how much we will all have to adjust our thinking during our own lives.

    Just a thought here:

    Since it is said that God made man to have joy, I hope we all have a lovely day.

  • designs


    I spoke with MAZOTJOHNMAYHALLBLUESBANDFOREVERSHALHAL is morning and asked for a sunny WORKED!

    peace be upon you...

  • whereami

    Hey andrekish. Ineresting article, but what were you trying to point out here?

    that the universe is accelerating in its expansion, it’s just we don’t understand why… yet.”


    scientists have discovered a star that makes no noise whatsoever. It is a silent star and seems to be defying the laws of nature

    What about?

  • JRK

    He talks into my Bonerphone.


  • Robdar

    A feeling of peace comes upon me and I know I am following the right direction. At times I've asked for signs/symbols since I love Jung. Many times I will find them and somehow I will discover exactly what I need to know.

    There is a wonderful beauty in this universe. If we stop and listen there is so much to experience. And so much love to be had.

  • Quentin

    Taking the time to thank all for your comments. This topic has been interesting and educational.


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