OUTLAW writes:
"Jehovah`s Witness`s get No Mention as Gods Organization..Jehovah`s Witness`s FOLLOW Gods Organization,the WBT$.."
The Watchtower disagrees with you:
*** w53 4/1 p. 214 par. 21 Doing the Work Approved by God ***
there is only one organization that is pursuing the above-outlined course, namely, Jehovah’s witnesses. Inseparably associated with this widely known organization is its legal servant and governing agency, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
isaacaustin: Proof?
pbrow: Do you even know what a troll is? And how have I monitized being a troll? I have no ads on my blog nor do I have a 'tip jar' or anything like that.
For those interested, the article you parody is located here.
palmtree67: The Society is part of the organization. But is not the sum and total of God's organization. That is what the other posters were saying.
jookbeard: I don't want to go too in-depth on here, but, as an example, you wrote:
"becoming a fully paid up member of the UN as an NGO"
Only states can become UN members. How a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) can do that is beyond me. There are many more errors in your paragraph, but, I'll leave it at that for simplicity's sake.
keyser soze: What if one already read apostate websites? Should one (a) do research or (b) do nothing (according to the WTS)?
Introducing Myself
by StandFirm 151 Replies latest jw friends
Since there are dozens (at least!) of you and only one of me, I can't answer every question or issue you bring up. But I don't want to give superficial responses only either. So here is my question to JWN:
What ONE subject would you most want to debate with a JW defender?
Whatever subject gets the most 'votes' I will debate. Thanks.
THe Deity of Christ is a salvific issue. The 1950 WT booklet on the Word, who is He according to John stated that the correct translation of Jn. 1:1 means our salvation. They are correct and this is THE issue between the JW cult and biblical Christianity (NWT sectarian perversion Jn. 1:1 'a god' is indefensible grammatically, contextually, theologically). For Mormonism vs Christianity, the issue is monotheism vs polytheism. For Islam vs Christianity, it is Muhammad/Koran vs Jesus/Bible.
I would like to know how the GB differ from false prophets
I would also like to know why would a chapter that describes "False Prophets" in
the Reasoning from the Scriptures book leave out Dueteronomy 18: 21-22
they talked all around that scripture but did everything to avoid it
check it out for yourself
You Provided AnnOmallys post as proof..There was no mention of JW`s..
Now you would like to Substitute that quote with another another?..LOL!!..
Thats not going to work either..
Your New Quote by the WBT$ is absolute Bullshit..
there is only one organization that is pursuing the above-outlined course, namely, Jehovah’s witnesses.
Inseparably associated with this widely known organization is its legal servant and governing agency, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
The WBT$ is servant to no one..JW`s are Servants to the WBT$..
The WBT$ does not follow Jehovah`s Witness Rules..
Jehovah`s Witness`s follow WBT$ Rules..Those that don`t are DisfellowShipped..
Theres not much point in your Bait and Switch game..
We are used to that here..
Welcome, this will be interesting.
I'd like you to support your initial assertion that "apostate material" is unconvincing - not by quoting the wt as saying so, but by giving examples and showing the fallacies in them.
Black Sheep
*** w53 4/1 p. 214 par. 21 Doing the Work Approved by God ***
there is only one organization that is pursuing the above-outlined course, namely, Jehovah’s witnesses. Inseparably associated with this widely known organization is its legal servant and governing agency, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.LOL
He had to go back to 1953 to mine a quote, and even then it is talking about Jehovah's witnesses, not Jehovah's Witnesses.
Only the anointed were Jehovah's witnesses. The Jonadabs were just hanging on to the Jehovah's witness' coat tails for their earthly reward.
@JW Gonebad . . .
Hey Standfirm: OH No, are you related to djeggnopg? Just kidding.
The posting style is giving me a strong sense of Deja Vous . . .
Maybe DJ is running a school from which we have our first graduate . . . ? Maybe a "field trip" is underway