Standfirm, have you seen the PBS Documentary, "The Bible's Buried Secrets"?. The archaelogical evidence says that Jehovah is nothing more than a tribal god of the Canaanites. There was no "Exodus" from Egypt except for a small band of Canaanites, and the "Promised Land" was settled by Canaanites, and there was no "conquering"...thank GOD that those atrocities of rape and pillaging by Jehovah's command didn't really happen. Jesus Christ said the world did not know his Father....because his world was the Jewish world. He clearly told his apostles that Elijah displayed an evil manner of spirit when he called down fire from heaven. But you won't see that in your doctored Bible. So, the book is not of divine origin to begin with, and they STILL have to change it to fit their doctrines.
You've taken a book of Jewish Myths and read them literally, which is what makes the whole of Christianity a complete and utter joke. The WTBT$ was funded into existence and is controlled from the top by the same Satanists who print your money.
Seriously, there is NO END to the different ways to prove that the Watchtower Society is not only FULL OF SHIT, but that their god is no other than Satan himself. What that means is that when Babylon the Great falls, the Watchtower will go down first. Even Robert King of e-Watchman got that one right using your own Bible.