The other thing too is while its true that preaching the good news of the kingdom is a feature of the last days
The WTS is full of self promoting propaganda.
As its been clearly shown take any era or segment out known history and you'll see that the signs of the times
could very well be at that time, even biblical times if you wish. 1914 by the WTS. was a calculated but deliberate
fraud that the WTS. used and still uses to self acknowledge itself.
Why wouldn't a publishing house make up its own self supporting doctrines into what they were doing when their
actions are preconceived to increase the proliferation of their own published literature ?
Any person with a semblance of analytical observation can see what the WTS. is endeavoring to do.
Finding people that will believe in their presenting bullshit is what they have always been about, once they
snare individuals then exploit them for work and money.
That is their sole mission which is snare, indoctrinate and then exploit, all the while pumping up the power and self
pertaining image of themselves.