Moshe, that's some really interesting observations about lying. It all makes sense.
by moshe 92 Replies latest social current
Moshe, that's some really interesting observations about lying. It all makes sense.
Why is the burden of proof constantly on Obama? If you're making an extraordinary claim it should be on YOU to prove it, don't continuously drudge up nonsense then when you're ignored say "Why isn't he replying? Something is fishy, if he was innocent he'd be defending himself".
Obama is our very legitimate president. He must uphold the powers of his office as a cosntl' matter, whether he wants to use such power or not. I completely fail to see how Obama is different from any other candidate in the past. No matter what he produces for proof, the tea baggers knock it down. They will never be content b.c they don't care about his proper credentials. Rather, they care about abolishing the man. No white man /woman has ever endured this.
Parents don't indulge a child having a temper tantrum. Obama should not have bothered to dignify the birthers. Facts don't mollify these strange characters. Producing more facts won't quench the flames. He lowers himself by responding.
If this is all the teabaggers can do, it condemns their politics. Monica Lewinsky shows Clinton had bad personal character. Tres mauvais behavior. I am not Hillary, however. I care about my federal check, highways, gasoline, foreign policy, the financial system, the monetary system, the encironment, choice for women. Civil rights enforcement.
The birthers remind me of the idiots in Sacha Baron Cohen's films.
it should be on YOU to prove it
Life is not fair- ask Saddam Hussein why he had to prove that he didn't have any WMDs buried someplace in Iraq- oh, he didn't have any WMDs and he is dead , too.
It seems that as soon as Obama was elected every record that might shed light on his life has been sealed up- a few cracks here and there- it's taking time. Honest people have nothing to fear from an investigation- unless it is the government that is investigating and they want you to be guilty. I think if these first ever Obama SS record supoenas are obeyed, we will see if that horse if really dead or not. I want it settled, too. Obama is the reason I have an autoworker pension and retiree medical- I hope I can vote for him in 2012.
I don't think it was unreasonable that reporters would want to ask Obama about the new long form COLB- one that was previously alluded to, (in court) by his attorney to not exist. It was said at the time that the record of birth ( released in 2008) was the best proof of Obama's birth. When stories, change, even police are asking, why?
Remember, that Obama is a lawyer and he knows better than to make a false public statement that could be used against him. Clinton, knew that, Nixon knew that- nothing comes out easily from a politician.
Back to the sudden appearance of the Obama long form birth document--
""Speaking today on the Alex Jones Show, investigative journalist Jerome R. Corsi dropped a huge bombshell. Dr. Corsi provided proof that he was alerted to an on-going plot to release a fake more than two months before President Obama released his purported long-form birth certificate.
Corsi supplied with time-stamped Microsoft Word documents [.ZIP] of five unpublished World Net Daily investigative drafts, written between February 23 and February 24, 2011, two months before Obama's April 27 birth certificate press conference. The unpublished reports confirm that moles inside the Hawaiian State government, including one inside the Department of Health, had warned Corsi of a plan by Obama operatives to plant and then publicly release a forged birth certificate.
The veteran investigative journalist released more details during a live appearance today, two hours and 8 minutes into the three hour broadcast.
Three weeks before the April 27th Obama press conference, Corsi was contacted again by his informants, who had been keeping a close eye on the birth records. It had happened. Prior to April 2011, there had been no Barack Obama birth certificate in the sequentially numbered book, but as of early April, it had suddenly appeared in the records.
Remember, in January 2011, Hawaiian Governor-elect Neil Abercrombie had told reporters that he was unable to locate President Obama's birth certificate, but a few months later it had magically appeared. Now here's the smoking gun bombshells: #1 Corsi has witnesses inside the Hawaiian government that accurately called what was going to happen, and who can be called as witnesses once Corsi files his criminal charges with the FBI""
----------------- The story here seems to indicate that there are people who can testify the birth records in Hawaii were tampered with, if an investigation is ever ordered.
Why would an honest person who is seeking a political office which obligates them to "defend and protect the constitution of the United States" speand so much time and effort to avoid answering the question?
It is THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES that requires that the President be a natural born citizen of the US. This is THE LAW.
Who wants a President who is a lair and a criminal? Raise your hand. If these "identity" issues are proven valid, then we have a person in the highest public office who began conspiring many years ago to commit multiple frauds. Did all this schemeing come from him, or is he being used by some shadow person or shadow organization, and for what purpose?
...and Dune, the obligation is placed on Obama because HE is the person who swore he met the Constitutional requirements of office.
No, the burden is not on Obama. No other president has faced this nonsense. HIs long form and short form state he was born in Hawaii. The const'n has no mechanism to decide what the burden of proof is. Absent another standard, reasonable should do as a legal matter. This is not about Const'n. It is blatantly political and racist.
I have not exposed to such people believing utter nonsense since my high school days. It is a distraction. He is not Muslim. It is the height of racism to assume that because he is black and his middle name is Hussein that he is not a native born American.
Grow up.
You don't quote a credible, main stream source. The Witnesses avoid the same thing. Americans believe he is a natural born American. A few nut jobs should not set the tone of a very important election. As a Democrat, I should implore you to do so b/c it will be a death toll for Obama's opponent. No reputable candidate is going to be bogged down in this nonsence.
If you believe this, what are you doing about it? Sue and see how far you land.
The const'n has no mechanism to decide what the burden of proof is.
Quite true- once the fox is in the henhouse the chickens are stuck with him.
However, just because Obama is black will not get him a free pass from the SS number investigation- this will play out and, if the long form birth certificate was "planted", this too will come out in due course.
Band on the run said, "No, the burden is not on Obama. No other president has faced this nonsense."
Thhe mechanism of proof is not non-existent: the Constitution makes it clear.*
I have to guess that either you are not an American citizen or you skipped your American History classes.
The reason there has not been such outcry over this issue before is that all other Presidents were easily able to show that they were American cotozens; most of them were born within the borders of the USA to parents who were also citizens by birth.
Obama openly defies the requirements of the Constitution he vowed to protect and defend.
*Qualifications for the Office of President
Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1:
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.
Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 - ratified February 27, 1951:
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.