I am in awe over the mental gymnastics it must take to equate anything involving Sun Yat-sen to Obama. Just, breathtaking.
FOIA request for Obama's SS records
by moshe 92 Replies latest social current
Dune, please find me the Obama video clips I am looking for.
There was a guy a few years ago who made a claim that he had gay sex & snorted drugs with obama in 1999. Keeping in mind that this was during his tenure as an illinois senator & his wife was pregnant with his daughter. With your logic, the burden of proof would then be on Obama to disprove that he in fact didn't have sex and snorted cocaine with him, even though the accusser had no proof and he himself was a career criminal. Do you see any problem with this?
You can't spew out unfounded, baseless claims and then expect the supposedly guilty party to defend themselves against any wrongdoing. You can't source fringe news sites with dime a dozen conspiracy theories and expect a duly elected official of the United States to acknowledge and refute every single line of quackery that is prevented. You can't continually move the goal posts when each lie is debunked and expect the next claim to be taken seriously.
Obama isn't perfect, I believe that he, like every other politician, has been bought & paid for by corporations & special interests long before he ran for US Senator. My problem is this pervasive hackery that has NOTHING to do with getting to the truth, but starting distractions that will put another asshole in office, albeit, an asshole who you identify more with.
As far as I can determine, from many hours of research, there is no video clip to be found where Obama personally says his birth certificates are the real McCoy. Not to say there isn't one, but why should people defend something that he won't touch himself publicly? There is no constitutional mechanism for vetting a candidate's natural born status, so even presenting a fradulent birth certificate has no downside legally. - Just don't lie and say it is real when it is not. Obama has not done that- he has other stooges present the documents and vouch for them.
Something is just not right about the whole Obama BC timeline- the Gov of Hawaii can't find a BC back in January and after an extensive search of the archives all he comes up in the vault are some handwritten notes about the Obama birth. Then 5 months later the Obama camp presents a long form BC to trump Mr. Trump. If this was CSI Miami or Cold Case on TV, the viewers would all be saying- hey, I smell a rat!
You say that the Governor Of Hawaii couldn't find his BC? I'm going to save you some time and just post link to the WND article where you 'gleaned' that 'insight'.
and here is the actual interview that the WND used to come to their 'conclusion':
Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?
A: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.
(Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)
It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down ...
...What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.
If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.
And this goes back to my larger point which is that it takes a willfully obtuse & disingenious person to take the above quote and say that the hawaiian governor couldn't find the BC. This is just one of the examples of the misquoted, misleading and willfully untruthful articles you'll find on WND, which is why I can't take the site and anyone who repeatedly uses information from it seriously.
For someone who claims to have done "many hours of research" searching for a video where Obama explicitly says "This is my birth certificate" and holds it out for the world to see, you seem to not go very deep in researching the claims you read off of WND. I found the actual, full context quote one whole minute after actually reading the WND article.
With that said, it doesn't surprise me when you can watch a video such as this :
http://www.freep.com/article/20110427/NEWS15/110427012/Transcript-Obama-s-remarks-birth-certificate, which took place minutes after the release of his birth certificate, and then say that Obama isn't in anyway saying that the birth certificate is his & real.
I am aware of this video.
Did Obama say he was a natural born citizen? No
It seems to me, he was saying that others had confirmed he was born in Hawaii.
He did say that every news agency that investigated said he was born in Hawaii.
Now, every, means 100% and that can't be true-- and investigating was limited in scope, seeing as how access to Obama documents (like school and passport records) was never provided to any news agency. Obama's registration at his private grammar school in Hawaii has,u-uh, gone missing.
Private citizens will continue to seek access to (most are sealed) historical documents about President Obama.
A Q&A session after his statement likely would benefited President Obama, If he was telling the truth.
I am reminded the word game politicians play by President Clinton who when asked about sexual rumors with Monica Lewinski, stated,"I did not have sexual relations with that woman".
Which in his mind was narrowly true, as sexual relations= intercourse, so oral sex didn't count.
Maybe someday the President's Birth Certificate and SS card will be on display at The Smithsonian, and he will smile relaxing by the pool at his retirement Villa in Kenya.....
moshe, You are a truly a master in your art. I am unworthy *sheaths his sword, bows and backs away*.
@designs, according to another thread, remote viewing may be well in advancement by then. Perhaps footage of Obama's birth will be obtained and displayed in the national archives
LOL someday the President's Birth Dr., Dr. Mugubambasii Ngennarubuwei, will step forward and tell us how they snuck him onto the island of Hawaii.
If Obama is eventually found to be ineligible to serve as POTUS, what will happen?
Will his presidential term/s be voided?
Tee hee hee.
As for some "shadow group" that's behind his run for office, isn't that true of every other Prez?
Really, I don't get it.
You don't like Black men very much, do you Moshe?