FOIA request for Obama's SS records

by moshe 92 Replies latest social current

  • drewcoul
    Does the Social Security Administration ever re-issue Social Security numbers?
    "Never," Daniels told Corsi. "It's against the law for a person to have a re-issued or second Social Security Number issued."

    There are only one billion possible SSN's. Think about it. nine digits each 0 through 9. Which makes the possible combinations 10 to the 9th power. which would be 1,000,000,000. There are about 330 million people in the United States. Of course they will have to reissue SSN's. It's mathematically impossible to issue more than one billion without reissuing or recycling them. After the population has turned over three times, they have to be reused.

  • moshe

    Illegal immigrants don't need no stinkin' Social Security numbers- they borrow them.

  • Berengaria
    It seems that as soon as Obama was elected every record that might shed light on his life has been sealed up- a few cracks here and there- it's taking time.

    Horse puckey

    Why would an honest person who is seeking a political office which obligates them to "defend and protect the constitution of the United States" speand so much time and effort to avoid answering the question?

    Who says they did? It takes very little effort to ignore a bunch of fringy morons.

    What makes anyone think the Republican party and John McCain, not to mention Hillary Clinton, wouldn't have scoured the earth to find the dirt on Obama?? Y'all think you are more on top of the story than those that actually had a multi million dollar vested interest??

    This is the most amazingly stupid controversy I have ever had the privilege of observing. If this much energy, research and effort was spent in challenging the serious issues that face this country, we might not be going down the tubes right now.

  • moshe
    This is the most amazingly stupid controversy I have ever had the privilege of observing.

    So all these people are liars? The missing Obama long form birth certificate that suddenly appeared- it's just a figment of someone's imagination that for three years nobody could find it, even the democratic Gov of Hawaii?- until this April and then it shows up in the registry of births? Obama's lawyer previously testifies in court the short form Obama BC is the best proof of his birth- which tells us the long form didn't exist--- until it was manufactured this year. Get a grip on yourself, you're mad that this can't be explained away, so the simple answer is the bearer of bad news is just crazy.

    Republican party and John McCain, not to mention Hillary Clinton, wouldn't have scoured the earth to find the dirt on Obama??

    Maybe they have it and just won't use it. The only people who have standing in court over this issue are the ones who are running for office, in the Democratic party- and the challenge has to be made before the party selects it's candidate.- at least that is what the courts said when they dismissed all the "late" challenges to Obama after the election.

    It's a poison pill for any politician to attempt to refute Obama's official history- and in our era, politicians are not in the habit of falling on their sword for a noble cause.

  • moshe

    Robert Bauer, former Obama counsel, has left the building just before this supeona arrrived at the WhiteHouse--

    Letter to the new White House counsel Kathy Ruemmler

    Posted on | June 5, 2011 | 1 Comment

    Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

    29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100

    Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

    ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603

    [email protected]

    Ms. Kathy Ruemmler

    White House Counsel

    1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC

    RE: Taitz v Astrue

    11-cv-402 USDC DC Chief Judge Royce Lamberth presiding


    Via certified mail, return receipt requested

    Open letter


    Dear Ms. Ruemmler,

    I hate to burden you with the request for production of documents on the very first day of your tenure as the White House counsel, however the matter is of the outmost importance and urgency for the US National security and the rule of law and U.S. Constitution.

    1. I am writing in regards to my legal action Taitz v Astrue. This is a FOIA legal action filed against the commissioner of the social Security administration Michael Astrue with demand to produce an original application for the CT social security number 042-68-4425.

    2. Mr. Obama has been using this SSN since around 1980, and it is listed on his Selective service certificate (Exhibit1)

    3. attached Social Security Verification Certificate(Exhibit 2 ) shows that this number was never assigned to Mr. Obama. Consequently, we have an individual occupying the White House, the position of the President and Commander in Chief, while using a social security number, which was never assigned to him, from a state, where he never resided.

    3. Please, see the attached complaint, (Exhibit 3), which provides sworn affidavits of 3 licensed investigators, including recently retired deportation officer of the Department of Homeland Security, who unanimously conclude, that Mr. Obama could not get this number through legal means.

    4. Two days ago, on June 1st, the presiding judge, Chief judge of the US district Court for the District of Columbia Royce Lamberth issued a scheduling order and gave the defense 30 days to file any dispositive motions, that they expect to file.

    5. On June 2, 2011, the next day after the order was issued, Robert Bauer, the White House counsel, resigned and you became the new White House Counsel. As you are left "holding the bag", or more appropriately holding President's vital records, you ended up becoming the "go to ‘ person for the following request.

    6. On April 27, 2011 Ms. Judith Corley of Perkins Coie, the personal attorney for Mr. Obama, supposedly hand delivered to the White House a true and correct copy of the 1961 type written long form birth certificate for Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama revealed this document with great fanfare, calling all the doubters "carnival barkers" and posting the document of the web page.

    7. Unfortunately, the joke was on Mr. Obama, as Mr. Obama became the actual carnival barker, as expert after expert provided analysis, showing undeniable proof, that the image posted on is not a true and correct copy of the 1961 typewritten document, but a forgery. The consensus it, that it is not even a good forgery, but a cheap, third rate forgery. (Exhibit 4). This issue is integrally connected to my legal action, as individuals with a valid birth certificate do not need to resort to using someone else's social security number or an invalid social security number. Individuals possessing a forged birth certificate, have to resort to using an invalid social security number or a number assigned to an individual, who might be deceased, but whose death was not reported to the Social Security administration. As such, I respectfully request an appointment for me and my forensic document expert to examine the document in question.

    8. The issue of privacy cannot be used as a justification for refusal to grant such examination, as Mr. Obama posted the document for public review. There should not be any conflicting or different information in the original.

    9. I wanted to remind you, that as a White House counsel, you do not represent Mr. Obama as an individual, but rather the institution of the US presidency and the position of the Commander in Chief from fraud and from usurpation by one, who is engaged in uttering of forged documents. The White House is the people's house. It belongs to me, to you and to every one of us, "The People of the United States of America". You are now the keeper of this house and just as you did a stellar job in protecting "We the people of the United states" against massive fraud committed by powerful and wealthy executives of Enron, you have an obligation and a duty to protect us, the people, and our most sacret institution from this massive fraud committed by a very wealthy and powerful man, who is now usurping the people's house, while using a forged birth certificate and an invalid Social Security number. We, the people, hope that you will be true to your oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

    As such I am trying to schedule an appointment to examine the certified copy of the long form birth certificate, posted on the web site of the I will be happy to accommodate your schedule. My forensic document expert and I will be White House at any time convenient for you.


    Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

    cc Congressman Darrell Issa

    Chairman House Oversight Committee

    2347 Rayburn House Building

    Washington DC, 20515

    cc Congressman Mike Rogers

    Chairman House intelligence Committee

    133 Canon house office building

    Washington DC 20515

    cc Congressman Dana Rohrbacher

    House subcommittee on Oversight and investigations

    House committee on Foreign affairs

    2300 Rayburn House Building

    Washington DC 20515

  • Berengaria
    you're mad that this can't be explained away,

    Well, I'm sure you would like to think so, but no, I'm not. I honestly believe it's embarrassingly stupid and pointless. Sometimes you are soooo very very awesome, I can't believe you are taking this foolishness seriously.

    This has been a non issue from day one. There are so many things I am actually pissed off at this administration for, not to mention the Supreme Court, the last administration and American politics in general. This is nothing more than a pathetic distraction. Even if by some remote possibility it were true.

    It's a poison pill for any politician to attempt to refute Obama's official history- and in our era, politicians are not in the habit of falling on their sword for a noble cause.

    Hogwash. Do you think Clinton, McCain or more importantly the Republican party would have allowed him to win if they had this kind of weapon in the arsenal? It's purely absurd to think so.

  • moshe

    Thanks to E-Verify, it was found that the Obama SS# in question does not match to his name and birthdate- it could be a simple clerical error that made it into the SS database over time- or maybe not.

  • Berengaria

    How do we even know that is his SS? Not to mention what possible reason for some SS skullduggery. Because it's on the net??

    So if I file a complaint over and over and over and over again, against YOU, for anything, somehow it's legitimate? Just because I file????? Do you know this woman's background? Why aren't you questioning that? It's certainly far more suspect than the birth certificate of a man who made it through the process to the position of President.

    Ack, I'm done, it's embarrassing to even pretend to address this as a serious subject.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    No one, not even a single white, president has faced the scrutiny of Obama. Hawaii was a state when he was born. I understand the territories count. Evil people spreading rumors on the Internet concerning his birth does not place the burden on Obama. He has the birth certification so the assumption is that he is a natural born citizen.

    What is it about Obama that he is believed so evil? Maybe Lincoln faced such ugliness. No one else has faced it and no else is black or at least half black.

    He made a mistake releasing the long form. Idiots will never be satisfied with proof. This is not a credible concern. It is ugly. No substantial purpose is served. Conservatism can offer alternative ways of viewing our real problems. There should be tension in the system. A one party state is a dictatorship. No responsible GOP candidate will pursue this. John McCain, so power hungry, did not raise this issue. He had some class.

    This is the Bilderberfer, Federal Reserve, antiSemitic crowd. People see you for what you are.

    I have no patience for this. There is a right side, Obama is a natural born citizen, and a wrong side, Obama is a foreign Muslim. I view things like the Nazis and genocide this way. Many on the left are disillusioned with Obama not pressing a more progressive agenda. I can't understand the animus. Why are your intentions golden and Obama so bad? Who determines this? Obama is more American than George WAshington was.

  • moshe
    How do we even know that is his SS-

    I can't believe the slow mental uptake here- did you not read everything?- that SS# is on his Selective Service record! Which was obtained by a brave person- who might face jail time for ordering it from selective service.

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