FOIA request for Obama's SS records

by moshe 92 Replies latest social current

  • moshe

    New story shows Obama long form COLB to be a composite fraud based on a typewriter typeface analysis- believe it or not--

    excerpt from story--

    In Exhibit 5, (above) Irey draws his conclusion that the typeface analysis of the individual letters in the White House-released Obama birth certificate makes clear the document is a forgery:

    Exhibit 5: Selected letter comparisons in Obama's documentation

    Irey has concluded that the forgers worked from authentic Hawaii birth certificates from 1961.

    "The forgers did not want to make the same mistake Dan Rather made," he said. "So, they used letters they picked up from actual 1961 birth certificates, making sure the typeface that appeared in the document was authentic to the era."

    The mistake, Irey claims, was to use more than one birth certificate from which to select the letters.

    "Even if the typeface was from the period," he said, "the mistake was to forget that each typewriter has its own fingerprint. No two typewriters, even of the same make and model, will type any given letter exactly the same."

  • botchtowersociety

    So what is your theory, Moshe?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I could statements appearing in ultraliberal blogs as proof of something. Daily Kos and other sites. Being exposed to the ideas of others is a good idea in any field. Quoting from right wing nut jobs is not proof. Mainstream news sources do exist. I acknowledge that they have bias. We all have bias. Fox News is biased in the extreme. Daily Kos is biased. The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, New Yorker, the LA Times, The WAshington Post, the broadcast news shows all compete. There is a difference in probity between the Economist and The National Enquirer or Star.

    All these articles preach to the converted, not a mainstream audience. If I were reading a Nazi paper, I would not believe its assertions. Clearly, I am not saying the birthers are Nazis but showing an extreme. Jehovah's Witnesses don't see the lunacy in the WT. It is a legitimate source, indeed the only source for them.

    When many mainstream orgs. report that Obama is not a natural born American, or when a nonpartisan Congressional committee convenes, holds hearings to obtain evidence, and publishes a committee report saying that Obama is not a natural born American, I will believe he is not natural born. Daily Kos will go down saying he is natural born and the far right will say he is not.

    So far there is not one shred of credible evidence that he is not natural born. This is lunacy. The next election should be a fairer referendum on what course Americans want to follow in so many important areas. Obama was elected on an antiBush moron horrid policies reaction than an affirmation of Obama. Idiot Bush is no longer around so, hopefully, issues and vision can be debated.

    The burden is on the birthers to show he is NOT an American. George Washington, Adams, no one ever produced the evidence Obama has. He is American despite the horror of his skin color to some. This issue shows the vacuousness nature of politics.

  • moshe
    Quoting from right wing nut jobs is not proof.

    I don't think calling this printer guy a "nut job" will change the facts here- even my old eyes can see that the a, e, p were not typed on the same typewriter.

    Something is just not right about the Obama birth certificate and add in the the Connecticut SS number, hmm? Like I have repeatedly said, For two years the Obama long form can't be found- and the "nut job", I guess, Gov of Hawaii even goes to the vault and tells the world, he can't find it. Then out of left field (Trump won't give up) Obama produces a long form birth certificate. If I was a real investigative news department, I would want to interview the Gov of Hawaii and ask him, "what happened?" Let's go back into the vault, show us where he looked and came up empty-handed and ask him why he couldn't find the long form COLB back in January and now there "is one in the book", that wasn't there before.


    -"The online image of a Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth" was trumpeted by the White House when it was released on April 27 as "proof positive" that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Now an expert in typefaces and typography says it sure was "proof," but not of what the White House would have wanted.

    Paul Irey, a retired professional typographer with 50 years experience in his business, says an analysis of the typefaces used in the Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate that the White House released on April 27 reveals it absolutely to be a forgery.

    "My analysis proves beyond a doubt that it would be impossible for the different letters that appear in the Obama birth certificate to have been typed by one typewriter," Irey told WND.

    "Typewriters in 1961 could not change the size and shape of a letter on the fly like that," he said. "This document is definitely a forgery."


    I have asked on this thread for a video or even a official statement from Obama attesting his birth certificate's 100% genuinity, explain to us why he has a Connecticut SS# and now I add, a plausible explanation why the long form birth certificate's typewriter letters don't match up?

  • botchtowersociety

    Skeletons in the closet=blackmail material.

    Easy to control.

    If true of course.

  • moshe

    Apostates are nut jobs= don't look at anything they try to show you- it's all a lie.

    Birthers are nut jobs= don't look at anything they try to show you- it's all a lie.

    Taken right out of the WT playbook on how to discredit ex-JW WT opponents.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    A neutral org reported that Democrats tested new more objective facts than Republicans in a whole host of areas. Evidently, facts don't matter here. What matters is a temper tantrum b/c a black man (half-black) was elected President of the United States. I remember crying when he became president b/c I remember watching the news accounts of the civil rights workers in the South. Many others wept for joy. It was a striking moment in history.

    The Witnesses show what happens when critical thinking skills are not employed. I understand, Moshe, that you believe it fervently. I believe fervently that it is total, absolute bunk. Maybe I could understand it more if Obama were a lestist agent, a Black Panther in disguise, working for chaos and violence. Obama is very centrist and very Eastern establishment. He earned his degrees at Columbia and Harvard Law. His commitment to policy change is shown by the fact that he turned down vast sums of money. He could have practice law anyplace he wanted. Obama chose to become a community organizer.

    I respect the office of the President. Indeed, I respected Geo. Bush, although I thought he was jerk. We are fortunate in this country to have a politcal process that deals with this. A minority cannot control a majority. Minority rights stop someplace. The majority has determined Obama is a natural born citizen. The only way to change that result is the political pressure of a Congressional hearing or massive change in beliefs through news media. OUr solution is to vote him out of the office.

    I repeat, as this time, not a single legitimate news source gives this story credibility. You can believe whatever you want. If I believe Obama to be not a natural born citizen, I would find a Senator or Congressperson willing to play to the right and ask for hearings. No such person or staff member reads the evidence the way you do. Absent endorsement from a public official, I would work to elect an opponent of Obama. People have moved on. The long form convinced most doubters.

    He has not imosed himself on us. We have a fair, general election. I predict a very close election. The sheer wonder of a black person being elected president will no longer be a factor. Hopefully, we can focus on policy rather than silly personal distractions. I thought Mitt Romney was credible. He needs charisma injections, though. What a wimp in interviews.

  • Dune

    My problem with the birthers is the fact that it's never ending. First it was about the birth certificate, then it was about the long-form birth certificate, then it is about his social security number. It's this constant resetting of the goal posts, the lying and disingenuousness.

    What I want to know is how anyone can take articles from WND seriously? The articles on the site have been deliberately misleading if not outright lies since inception. It just amazes me how people can repeatedly give proven liars the benefit of the doubt, everytime, and not the word of the President, the entire state of Hawaii and the US government.

  • moshe
    The majority has determined Obama is a natural born citizen.

    Can you show me the words from Obama's lips claiming this to be a fact? Legions of Obama supporters say he is a natural born citizen- surely a video exists someplace where Obama says "he are one". I want to see it- I have come up empty handed every time I have looked for it.

    It's like the JWs and their F&DS folklore- I have yet to have anyone produce a first person quote of any JW saying he is one of the F&DS and back it up with proof.

  • Yizuman


    What I want to know is how anyone can take articles from WND seriously?

    Apostates are nut jobs= don't look at anything they try to show you- it's all a lie.

    Birthers are nut jobs= don't look at anything they try to show you- it's all a lie.


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