Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?

by gubberningbody 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    i just want to tell you all i think i am a great writer and very interesting to listen to.

    I also want to tell you i read really really really long books, like 10cm thick, and i really like it.

    What i write is sometimes over peoples heads, but thats cool, i just think they are dumb.

    Thats just what i wanted you all to know!

    GB: I think you are stupid, have a problem understanding me, dont like to read, are poorly educated, ill-mannered. I will also kindly recommend you just shut up. Peace to you!

  • AGuest
    i just want to tell you all i think i am a great writer

    Most great writers think the same, dear Bohm (peace to you!), so you're not alone...

    and very interesting to listen to.

    Well, that would depend on your audience, wouldn't it? Some will like what you write, some won't. That YOU think it interesting doesn't mean all will; however, that SOME do is often enough, yes? I mean, the first people who read J. K. Rowling thought her writing was horrible. And they were supposedly some pretty highly regarded "experts" in the literary industry. Was an unknown who eventually took her on and published her. One person (besides her sister) thought her writing was interesting... so much so he staked his career on it. So...

    I also want to tell you i read really really really long books, like 10cm thick, and i really like it.

    Really?! Me, too! I much prefer one that takes me a bit of time to read than one I can "devour" in a few hours. Those often leaving me "wanting"...

    What i write is sometimes over peoples heads, but thats cool, i just think they are dumb.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I much prefer writers who assume that others AREN'T dumb... and so write to their readers intellects (you know, in order to make them THINK), than to just "tickle" their ears (doing so because, well, you know, there's not really much to "tickle" BETWEEN their ears)...

    Thats just what i wanted you all to know!

    Well, thanks for sharing that! It sort of explains the very detailed/intricate things you post from time to time. I mean, I DID think that you intentionally attempted to write over people's heads... and often do... and did you because you think them dumb... but I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt that perhaps you were just posting to people who understood you (and perhaps assumed that most did). I am SO glad, though, that you cleared THAT up. Now, I can see you as I always thought I should: thinking others ARE dumb... or at least dumber than you...

    GB: I think you are stupid, have a problem understanding me, dont like to read, are poorly educated, ill-mannered.

    Here, here!!

    I will also kindly recommend you just shut up.

    Oh, honey... would that they would! But I don't think they're listening to the likes of you... or me... or anyone here. Spying, yes, perhaps to get "fodder" (from an offense/defense point of view) for a future WT article or CA/DC "talk". But that's about it, really.

    Peace to you!

    I must admit, I am surprised to see such a greeting coming from you! But it's nice to think that perhaps the similar greetings YOU receive from some here have had some effect! And in a positive way! Peace to YOU, then, as well!

    YOUR servant (still)... and a slave of Christ,


  • bohm

    my god aguest, what a coinsidence, we seem to agree on so many things, i just used less words!

  • AGuest
    my god aguest, what a coinsidence, we seem to agree on so many things,

    Indeed, dear Bohm (again, peace to you!). Almost shocked me a little bit, too, you know! But one just never knows, does one, and so we [continue to] engage.

    i just used less words!

    Yeah, that'll happen sometimes. Particularly with a "less[er]" heart, I'm afraid. No worries, though: if that's YOUR situation there's always opportunity for it to grow!!

    Peace, dear Bohm, truly!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • gubberningbody

    Aguest - if you aren't seeking the help of a mental care professional - you should.

  • N.drew

    AGuest hath joined my club. The Club for Getting Diagnosed On Line. That's why we're here! And to think of all the poor fools that spent all that money and all that time to help the mentally sickos, when all they had to do is sign on to ANY Bible forum. Jesus. (he's my friend, it is perfectly alright to say his name out of context). It's not a sin. We might car pool!!!

  • jay88


    I would chill out if I were you,.....

    You don't want to interrupt Poppa's weekly sponge bath with his in-care nurse.

    jay,.....chilling porch-slave of Christ

  • gubberningbody


    The thing is that his/her posting style is counterproductive to an exchange of ideas.

    It reminds me of what Jehovah supposedly asked at Job 38:2 - "Who is this that is obscuring counsel by words without knowledge?"

  • bohm

    gubberningbody -- now you are at it again, what could possibly be counter-productive about carefully explaining how you have the reading-comprehension of a 6 year old and how awsome aguest is herself and how you are a fool; i mean the tirade WAS pre-fixed with a "peace to you!" and that automatically makes it both spiritual and productive.

  • N.drew

    Interesting Ads by Google says Evil Eye Protection and Resident Evil. Does anyone else notice the web is getting mighty smart (alec). Google it.

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