Had the misfortune of attending.... Will post details, but was very much adu about absolutly nothing. Complete waste of a friday night....
Zone visit
by elderelite 85 Replies latest members private
It would have been more productive, had you spent Friday night with us on the Drunken Gibberish thread.
I miss you, EE
No Room For George
You know, EE I always look forward to reading your posts and hope to meet you someday. I started to go, but after giving it some thought, I brushed it off. A friend of mine texted me not to long ago and told me Guy Pierce looks and sounds like Edward G. Robinson which in my buzzed and lonely state, brought me some much needed humor. I needed that especially after watching the 1st Base Umpire and the Rangers pretty much give this game away to the Cardinals. But more importantly, I needed to know that I didn't miss anything this evening. From what the homie told me, they made it to the assembly hall a tad bit late and as a result had to listen in in the lobby, and they watched a little bit of it on a small screen in the cafeteria. I'm so glad I didn't go. Instead I went to Best Buy to get season 2 and 3 of Breaking Bad, and get this.......Best Buy only had season 1 and 3. So I copped season 3 from Best Buy, and then drove up the road to Target to see if they had season 2. I went back to the electronics counter and explained my situation, and there was this relatively plain looking girl who I found attractive on the strength of her lip piericings. She had two lip piercings and for some reason it really set her appearance off. The funny thing was, the girl at Best Buy, had half of her head shaven, and lip piercings as well. Both of them were cute as ever to me.
Anyways, it turned out that Target had several copies of season 2, where as Best Buy had zilch. You gotta love it. Afterwards, I stopped at Bath & Beyond to get a pillow, and this wall decoration of a woman at the bar with her back turned to the observer. I wish I hadda copped the decoration of the DJ scratching on the turntables as that's more up my alley, but for whatever reason the woman's back being exposed worked for me tonight. I may take it back tommorrow and exchange it for the DJ. Right now I'm working on Mos Def playlists, and cussin at the television screen because Texas sucks and they shouldn't. Despite tonight being a lonely and depressing night, I still think its a better night than wasting my time listening to the Watchtower pat themselves on the back with a bunch of bull shit. Hey EE, thanks for confirming what I had a feeling about. Thanks bruh, and I hope all is well with you man.
George, you should've hit on both of those lip ringed girls and taken them home with you.
I know someone who had to go early to set up the credit card donation areas.(I forgot what they are called.) Now,how long was this meeting? It started at 6:30 pm,I know that much. It couldn't have lasted too long. But,they had to go to extra trouble for people to be able to make donations by credit card,geesh.
1st let i will say i got the whole thing on audio so for any who want to waste 2hr and 20 min of their life on pointless crap i will make it available.
Second it was without a doubt and by far, of all the pointless meetimg i have been to and will attend in the future, the most pointless to date and will be hard to top.
Started with a WT summary.... Major WTF??????? Moment... Why??????? Meetings are not cancelled... We are all supposed to go to the wt this weekend anyway so why the hell sumerize AGAIN??????? Thanks for that drivil twice....
Then the "talks" started.... Head of candian branch gave a talk about john 17:3 and "everlasting life" . It infurated me cause the wt has CLEARLY stated that the everlastim life jeasus was talking about applied to the "annointed" and their life in heaven. This ass said nothing about that and applied it the so called great crowd exclusivly.... So we are to belive that jesus was speaking of a group that wouldnt appear for 2000 years???? Idiots
Then came the fsct/figure talk. Boaring as hell amounts to 3% increase in our "zone".... But u think thats smoke and morriors since hawwii, the bahammas and turks and caios islands were added to the zone... Again if u wanna hear it knock urself out, major snooze fest.
Another song
Another talk i cant remember in the light of day so that tells u how pointless it was
Ended with guy peirce who george correctly describes as edward murrow. His talk was also garbage. One lowlight i will reaffirm here is that this clown specifically reaffirmed the water canapoy teaching and then implied fairly directly that in fact dinosours were alive when the flood happened!!!!!!! Thanks "brother" pierce for sertimg dubbies back 100 years in science..... He was trying to prove the flood of noahs day happend and referanced a fossil found in berlin nevada, a ghost town inin the desert. He and his wife went to a fossil of a water dinoauar called an ichthyosur. Yes a fossil of an animal that died out 90 million years ago in the desert is his proof of a flood 4000 years ago. You have to hear it to believe it.
I listened very carefully to the conversations my wofe had with others afterwards. They all focused on how privledged we were to be there and how they felt ubuilt... But not ONE specfic point that made it worth the time. Trust me if u bother to listen u will walk away mad at the stupidity.....
Lol and i miss u too palmie
Would have much rather been lol'ing on the gibberish thread than listing to that gibberish, but i promised my love i would go so i did....
In short that was it. Any questions ill gladly answer, i will post when i have the audio ready....
It is ludicrous to state that dinosaurs were around until the flood. Wouldn't that have been something so outstanding that it would have been recorded in the Bible?
"And Adam called the great beast Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the next one velociraptor."
Don't ya just think they'd have been munching on some of the folks around about as Noah was building the ark? How would these animals have co-existed with zebras and lions? So basically they are reaffirming the old doctrine that all life began about 49,000 years ago-the WT version of the seven creative days. As scientific knowledge abounds, the WTS stagnates.