Zone visit

by elderelite 85 Replies latest members private

  • sabastious

    EE, where is that MP3? I am very interested in hearing the audio of a GB member talking about Dino's and the flood.


  • CuriousButterfly

    Thanks EE a good summarization. I was pissed to sit through the WT summary and then again Sunday?! lol


    WT Summary - Leon Weaver Jr - Serves on Branch Committee

    Report Activity in the US - Gary Breau (sp?) - Serves on branch Committee. Wore a horrible looking tie.

    Did not catch the title of the talk - Warren Shuffeld (sp?) Canadian Branch and Zone Overseer.

    Serve Jehovah With An Understanding Heart - Guy Pierce (GB)

    If anyone want stats I took notes.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Ended with guy peirce who george correctly describes as edward murrow. His talk was also garbage. One lowlight i will reaffirm here is that this clown specifically reaffirmed the water canapoy teaching and then implied fairly directly that in fact dinosours were alive when the flood happened!!!!!!! Thanks "brother" pierce for sertimg dubbies back 100 years in science..... He was trying to prove the flood of noahs day happend and referanced a fossil found in berlin nevada, a ghost town inin the desert. He and his wife went to a fossil of a water dinoauar called an ichthyosur. Yes a fossil of an animal that died out 90 million years ago in the desert is his proof of a flood 4000 years ago. You have to hear it to believe it.

    He is probably one of the dissenters on ditching the 7000 year creative days, so strikes when he has a chance in a major public discourse. Fortunately, this will never end up in printed form where anyone can PROVE it was really said by GB member. All rumors from apostates trying to defame GB & God's bOrg.


  • wobble

    The recording of his voice made playable on You-tube would be a good thing. It would show the world that the dinosaurs did not die out 65 million years ago, they are heading the WT

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Hey ee, where's the audio hosted? Can you send me a pm? I want to especially get the stuff about the flood. Thanks!

  • startingover

    I have a question and I hope this doesn't get buried and maybe it deserves it's own thread.

    Elderelite says this:

    Then the "talks" started.... Head of candian branch gave a talk about john 17:3 and "everlasting life" . It infurated me cause the wt has CLEARLY stated that the everlastim life jeasus was talking about applied to the "annointed" and their life in heaven. This ass said nothing about that and applied it the so called great crowd exclusivly.... So we are to belive that jesus was speaking of a group that wouldnt appear for 2000 years???? Idiots

    This John 17:3 understanding is new to me. Can anyone direct me to info about that?

  • sparki

    hook me up with audio

  • ziddina
    "It would show the world that the dinosaurs did not die out 65 million years ago, they are heading the WT..."

    ah, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

    GREAT one, Wobble!!!

  • sparki

    maybe he was just saying Nevada was near the ocean before the flood. Or fossil just washed up to Nevada desert during the flood, not dinos were living 4000 years ago. No JWs believe dinos were here 4000 years ago, printed in awake man.

  • ziddina

    [big, heavy sigh...]

    Let me go check my geology books and websites regarding Nevada...


    Oh, by the way - did you know that mososaur fossils from the late Cretaceous period are found in Israel???

    Late Cretaceous - that would be around 90 million ybp [years before present]...

    I've always wondered whether the legends of the "Nephilim" were based on such fossils weathering out and being found by ancient peoples...


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