Zone visit
by elderelite 85 Replies latest members private
I thought they were only having one of these Zone assemblies,but "evidently" there is more than one. Here they are having them both Saturday and Sunday,and into next weekend.
Thanks for posting your experience. I have one question though....if it was a much to do about nothin....then shi)), why couldn't everyone go, why would it be by ticket only?
Thanks for posting your experience. I have one question though....if it was a much to do about nothin....then shi)), why couldn't everyone go, why would it be by ticket only?
I think it was done that way to make it seem special and also as a ploy to make more of the rank and file want to pioneer.
No Room For George
Hey EE, let me ask you something. I spoke with a close friend at the Hall today and he reiterated something that I've heard from a few heads that attended. That being some point in Hebrews about faith being expounded upon brilliantly. This brother is a hard one to please and its not unlikely to see him leave the WT Study, or the Congregation Bible Study early because of a lack of depth in the study, and Da Friendz winging it. On top of that, he'll admit quite openly that both studies bore him. However, he told me that the whomever focused on faith as spoken of in Hebrews did a good job. Is that true? Listening to him explain it made me feel like I missed something.
"One lowlight i will reaffirm here is that this clown specifically reaffirmed the water canapoy teaching and then implied fairly directly that in fact dinosours were alive when the flood happened!!!!!!! ..." [ElderElite]
Goooooood frikkin' grief...
"Don't ya just think they'd have been munching on some of the folks around about as Noah was building the ark?..." [Quandry]
Well, now we know what happened to the offspring of the "Nephelim"... Musta kept them from messin' with Noah while he was building the "ark"...
U missed nothing miz. It was guy pierce who cimmented on it. Hes a good speaker and his status as gb member i think makes people give more weight to anything he says. He used an ilkistration ive heard before about faith and the sun. He asked of its faith that the sun will cime uo everyday and affiremed that it is true faith, meanin the assured expection of reality though not yet beheld. And thats a fair enough comparison. What was stupid was him then comparing that to faith in christendom... Faith tgat god is a trinity etc etc etc..... I wanted to jumped out of my seat and add "faith that jesus was enthroned in 1914 and that the end is comming any number of times in the 20th centry"
So in short no wasnt the least bit special or profound, and certainly nothing i havent heard many times before... Add to tha it was after telling us with absolute certainty, complete "faith" you might say, that an ichthyosour Fossil in the nevada desert is proof of a global flood and that the water canapoy was a fact and i wasnt really impressed with his illistration about faith that ive heard before anyway. A prime example of dubbies takeing form, the presance of a gb memeber and his speaking ablity, over actual substance.
I hate to be a wet blanket . . .
But this just tells me nothing has changed in WT world . . . . nothing at all.
Bump for cb and others
You are not being a wet balnket size.... All to true IMHO