Zone visit

by elderelite 85 Replies latest members private

  • average joe
    average joe

    Everyone uses credit or atm cards now, Very few people carry cash. For people who want to make a donation but don't have cash it only makes sense to have a card machine. Anyways, lets keep this thread on topic.

  • factfinder

    I agree averagejoe- i use debit for everything!

    Does anyone have the link for the audio of the meeting or any addition facts and figures they can share? Thanks!

  • factfinder

    can'tleave- I love your noah's dilema picture!!! Did you make it?

  • factfinder


    I sent you a pm- I'd like whatever stats you can share from the zone visit meeting-thanks!!

  • AvocadoJake

    Is the "Zone" highlights thread coming to a close? The water canopy idea was not a new one to me, the dinosaurs being on earth during Noahs time is. I thought the dinobots were used during the creative period as giant lawnmowers.

  • average joe
    average joe

    Yeah, Ya know sizemilk you are right they did condemn churches for the cash machines and now they have them and its hypocritical . No arguments there, Now card machines make sense for everyone to have. It is my opinion that the churches are far worse then witnesses when it comes to asking for money.

    I remember the collection plate being passed around and everyone looking to see if you gave enough according to their measure of enough. They would pass the collection plate around twice. We always hated that because we were poor and everyone made us feel bad because we gave so little. Nowadays, When i turn on the tv all they do is keep asking for money, money, money. They say things like give and you will be blessed even if you can't afford it give and god will bless you for it. Wtaching church on tv reminds me of a jerry lewis special where they are trying to get peoples money at least jerry was giving to the poor and not making some preacher rich. Tithing is 10 precent nothing more yet they keep on asking for peoples money. I have a lot of bad memorys from church and the hypocrites that go there.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The churches are upfront about it and they put their funds (or at least a good amount of them) to practical use helping people (schools, food programs, clothing for the poor, etc.).

    The Watchtower will tell the audience they don't ask for money IN THE SAME TALK that they're ASKING FOR MONEY! And they put almost none of it to good practical use helping people.

    By the way, EE, I'm waiting for that email, bro.

  • average joe
    average joe

    The church has helped my family many times i am grateful for that.

    I do not agree with the churchs asking for more than 10 percent of a persons money.
    I also do not agree with churchs telling people to give even when they can't afford to give and then the people don't have money to pay their bills.
    I also do not agree with the churchs passing collection plates around.
    I also do not agree with the amount of money a minister makes.

    The preachers will tell people to give give give and have faith, god will bless you. Then the preachers live like kings off that money. I do not believe god wants everyone to donate money so the preachers can pay themselves huge salaries and live extravagant lives. What right does a preacher have to tell people to give their money to receive gods blessing and then keep the money for themselves? Sure, I have no problem with a preacher having a modest house and a nice car because our imperfect nature we need to see a successful man. However, A super expensive house,car and lifestyle is outright theivery from the poor and god.

  • average joe
    average joe

    I am also waiting for a link :)

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm with you, Joe, but I just don't see the Watchtower as being any different. Other than that nearly ALL the money that's donated is wasted and not just a small portion of it.

    For every filthy-rich tv preacher there are dozens, if not hundreds of hard-working modest-living preachers in local communities around the country. For the most part, your average church preacher is no more wealthy than your average JW elder. There are exceptions, of course.

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