Zone visit

by elderelite 85 Replies latest members private


    It is my opinion that the churches are far worse then witnesses when it comes to asking for money.....AJ


    It`s done all the time right from assembly stages..

    There is never enough money.. EVER..

    The Assembly halls are Bought and Built with JW money,time and labour..

    The WBT$ milks JW`s for every dime they are worth..


  • james_woods

    Exactly right, OUTLAW.

    I have personally seen cases where assembly accounting would deliberately withhold the last day's cash contributions from the report read at the end of the assembly - making it look like they were in the red when they were not.

    This was done along with a plea to contribute more to bring them back in the black - when in reality, they were money ahead all the time.

  • obarac

    EE audio please ...

  • obarac

    Some notes from Zone visit:

    It was awesome, as expected. They talked about some of the changes in New York. If you were at the Annual Meeting, then you heard about the new 250 acre property in Warwick New York. That’s where the new headquarters will be. 8 new buildings will be built in the first phase.

    They have approved an expansion to Patterson; 4 new 5 story residence
    buildings, a 5 story maintenance building and a 5 story office building.

    Lots of statistics about the US Branch. We had a 3% increase last service
    year; with a peak of 1,200,572 publishers. 10,837 baptized; memorial
    attendance was 2,563,518.

    We have 129 RBC’s in the US Branch; they finished 81 new Kingdom Halls and 488 renovations last year.

    Brother Shoefeld (from the branch in Canada) gave the talk “This Means
    Everlasting Life”. He talked about how man alone has the capacity for
    spirituality. He quoted a 1973 Watchtower that stated that even a
    perfect man would die without spiritual food. We were created with a
    spiritual need that has to be filled or would could not keep living.

    He asked us how long everlasting life was. Asked us to think of the
    largest number we could think of; not millions or billions, but big
    numbers. He did research and the largest number man knows is called a
    googolplex. It’s impossible to even write out a googolplex; Carl Sagan
    estimated that writing a googolplex in numbers would be physically
    impossible, since it would require more space than the known universe provides. Living for a googolplex is just the beginning of everlasting
    life. There will always be more years ahead of us than behind us.

    He talked about those who have been in the truth a long time. They need to study more, not less. The things that stimulated them when they were
    new in the truth will not stimulate them now. Deep personal study will
    allow them to learn the deep things of God; that will keep their
    spirituality stimulated and motivate them to keep serving.

    He also talked a little about Job. Job and the early servants of Jehovah
    really did not know who Satan was. Satan is only mentioned 16 times in
    the Hebrew Scriptures. Satan was not clearly identified until Jesus came and exposed him.

    Brother Guy Pierce gave the talk “Serve Jehovah With an Understanding Heart”.
    He talked about Jehovah’s magnificence. There are many things about
    Jehovah that we never give thought to. The earth is travelling around
    the sun 18 times faster than a speeding bullet (66,500 MPH), through
    hostile space, yet here we sit, comfortably, not even feeling a breeze.
    This rotation has been working perfectly for billions of years.

    He talked about faith. Faith is more than strong hope or a belief. He
    asked “Do you need faith to believe that the sun will rise tomorrow?”
    The answer is “yes”. Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped
    for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. The sun
    has been rising for billions of years, so we have faith that it will
    rise tomorrow. The assurance of our expectation is based on evidence;
    the sun has always risen in the past. We can have more faith in the
    fulfillment of God’s word; Jesus said heaven and earth would pass away
    before even one letter of the God’s word was not fulfilled (Matt 5:18).


    Same old boring WBT$ BS..

    Gawd I`m happy I didn`t have to sit through that crap..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • james_woods

    He asked us how long everlasting life was. Asked us to think of the
    largest number we could think of; not millions or billions, but big
    numbers. He did research and the largest number man knows is called a
    googolplex. It’s impossible to even write out a googolplex; Carl Sagan
    estimated that writing a googolplex in numbers would be physically
    impossible, since it would require more space than the known universe provides.

    Since he was talking to people who are told this everlasting life would be on earth - did he mention how long the life of the sun is estimated to be?

    As I recall, Carl Sagan had some things to say about that as well - and never suggested that earthly humans would live for a "googolplex" number of days, years, or whatever.

    I guess he thought he sounded "scientific" because he said "googolplex" and "Carl Sagan" while spouting scientific absurdity.

    Oh, and edit to add - if the largest number man knows is a googolplex, then what is infinity?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Deep personal study will keep them stimulated and motivate them to keep serving? Really? You mean study the deep/shallow things of our publications and don't study outside materials ot on your own. Gosh they are such hypocrates I'm amazed that it still annoys me even now after all these years

  • straightshooter

    Thanks obarac for giving the highlights of the zone visit. You have condenced the 2 1/2 meeting into a few minutes.


    Brother Guy Pierce gave the talk “Serve Jehovah With an Understanding Heart”.He talked about Jehovah’s magnificence. There are many things about
    Jehovah that we never give thought to. The earth is travelling aroundthe sun 18 times faster than a speeding bullet (66,500 MPH), through
    hostile space, yet here we sit, comfortably, not even feeling a breeze .This rotation has been working perfectly for billions of years.


    Theres no Wind on Earth..The WBT$ says so..


  • james_woods

    Yup - more witness "science".

    They murmer in amazement that the vacuum of space does not just rip off our atmosphere as we orbit the sun.

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