I am so glad I am too wicked to be invited. Life is too short to spend 2 1/2 hours being bored to tears. Dinosaurs around at the flood and no one laughed, no one at all. Did the hall break out in uncontrolled coughing as people hid their disbelief and tried to cover up their guffaws? I wouldn't have had that level of self control.
Zone visit
by elderelite 85 Replies latest members private
Comon now, are you saying that Fred Flinstone didn't exist too?
breakfast of champions
QUANDRY - yeah, you would think dinosaurs would be a pretty significant factor. I mean, the whole reason for the flood were the "giant men" who went around raping and pillaging... I think dinosaurs could have done quite a bit more damage.
The reason they aren't mentioned though is because there is not enough room in the bible when chapter after chapter is filled with where to take a dump, where to have your period, happifying accounts of genocide, etc....
Hey if Dino made the inside cover of the Green NWT its good enough for me
Started with a WT summary.... Major WTF??????? Moment... Why??????? Meetings are not cancelled... We are all supposed to go to the wt this weekend anyway so why the hell sumerize AGAIN??????? Thanks for that drivil twice....
The big important boys consider that their WT coverage and may go play golf on Sunday or hang out in the Chairman's office at an assembly and not listen to the WT coverage.
It's a way to bulk up the content of the meeting without actually bulking up the content of the meeting.
But u think thats smoke and morriors since hawwii, the bahammas and turks and caios islands were added to the zone...
All their growth is becoming smoke and mirrors nowadays.
It sounds like Guy Pierce was following an old adage: If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh&t.
If they keep talking about dinosaurs and the flood and problems with what scientists say, who among the members (without advanced degrees) will even be able to argue with them? The few who can argue with them just seem to focus on physical things instead of spiritual things. So these stupid talks are a WIN-WIN for JW's.I listened very carefully to the conversations my wofe had with others afterwards. They all focused on how privledged we were to be there and how they felt ubuilt... But not ONE specfic point that made it worth the time.
I noticed that many times in many circumstances. The meetings/assemblies/whatever had to be talked of in positive ways, yet nothing came out of them.
Thanks for suffering. I will pass on listening to the audio.
Bump for average joe
So I guess, Noah didn't do such a good job after all. Bringing in those dino's two by two's just wasn't done. Unless, they had Brontosaurus steaks on that ark.
Just be glad that Bro Lett didn't have a talk...yeeeeesch.
LOL, designs.
Rotfl!! I was worried about losche