Zone visit

by elderelite 85 Replies latest members private

  • sabastious

    EE you have a PM

  • LostGeneration

    Another plea for the audio....Gotta get that snippet of that dino/flood talk posted on Youtube for the world to hear!

  • Diest

    How great is that....Dinos roaming the earth....

  • factfinder

    elderelite- you have a pm!

  • Jesuit Scholar
    Jesuit Scholar

    Yeah, too much fun! I'd like to hear the audio as well.

  • average joe
    average joe

    I would like to hear the audio of the meeting.

  • AvocadoJake

    Hello, thank you for sharing what you heard at the special meeting. I am new to this site and posted my first message last night. How did you qualify for this special priveledge that set's you apart from all the other lowly and weak individuals in the Kingdom Hall? Did you see anyone glow after the Zone visit? These visits and secret meetings remind me of what James wrote in his book about class distinctions in James 2:1-5.

    My version of James "How can you say you have faith in Jesus Christ when you have favorites in your Kingdom Halls?

    If a woman comes into your Hall and with a time slip of 90 hours and you say, 'Sister take this seat right here and, you look

    at the weak (7 hour publisher) man and say, go sit in the second school, so we can bask in her glowing pioneer spirit!' You don't realize that

    the seven hour brother put in more quality time, did not embelish or use creative accounting with his time slip.

  • AvocadoJake

    One more question, I am sorry to bump this post up again. Do they really have credit card donation stations now? Please say it is not so, I am having a hard time understanding this. This time we are living in is strange and confusing, and I think everyone is catching wind of this. The confusing comments made about the "generation" and (Who was the first who mangled this concept at the annual meetings?) the fourth or fifth revision in two years is, just weird and causing people to shake their head! I wish the meetings and schools the elders and shiney happy people go to, would help them become better kind and loving people, with genuine concern about each other. When I was by brother X how he learned so much at the new Elder School, I was hoping I would see some wonderful changes and zeal brought about. He said the school instructor said "If you don't have love and kindness, you will not make it past the Great Tribulation! If you want to be a robot, have no fellow feeling and be a Silent Bob, you should leave now! We don't want quite, unemotional and calloused men looking after the tender sheep!" 'Wow, I thought when he said this!' It has been over a year since the Elder School and this brother, has personally disfellowshiped his mom and dad, because they failed to meet his personal expectations. I don't see him packing up his book bag to leave, so he must be picking what he liked and disregarding the rest of the Elder School teachings. As for his parents, the strange thing is that the Society considers them in good standing. When I hear of a upcoming Zone visit, Elder School, Pioneer School, I wonder why they are not producing any tangible benefits. What the Shepperds are not learning how to care for the sheep, but are using their position as a social mens club. When your structure is a performance based entity, you should be able to measure your investment in terms of productivity. If only they could learn from the Beatles "All You Need Is Love, Love is All You Need!" lah lah lah lah!

  • sizemik

    Jake . . .

    There's a good thread on the Credit Card installations here . . .

    There's plenty in the OP including WTS letter.

  • AvocadoJake

    Thank you 'size' for the link, I researched information about the "Ocean of Nevada." my own title for a school article I wrote over ten years ago. Some of my book sources said, Nevada was once underwater! There are some wild claims that the Vikings were crusing up and down that waterway. There is suppose to be photos of some seven ft plus, red hair skeletons, from the turn of the century. Steven Quayle (Late night radio and wild and crazy story teller.) believes the Vikings had outpost near Oregon and sailed back and forth that region. Some farmer near Winnemucca, seventy years ago was suppose to have found some big pieces of a boat, in a cave with more skeletons of a Viking origin. I am not sure if the speaker at the Zone visit dug as deep as I did with my research on this theory, but it is always a possibility? It has been along time since I read that material about the great fresh water lake or ocean of Nevada.

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