dear sizemik...
you said: "Yeah . . . at the tsunami warning we'd be paddling out 40 miles . . . catching those 50m mothers and riding them all the way down the St Laurence, praising Jah, the great and mighty wave generator, for his goodness toward surfers." this a thinly veiled lack of compassion toward the plight of others? or do you just think you're funny?
dear darthvader...
you said: "I don't believe this dribble, but once religious people believe that the "next life" (no matter what you call it: Heaven, New Order, Allah's Palace etc.) is possible, it inherently devalues this existence and provide justification or explanation for the most grievous suffering."...who's devalueing?
you suggest it couldn't possibly be a non-religious person, it's got to be the religious who lend support to welfare programs around the world, and who have built hospitals and actually left their comfortable lives behind in order to minister to the physical needs of the less fortunate...they're always living in the "next life"...(it might surprise you to know that most christians believe that God IS watching them go about their Fathers business)...
would you like to have your "giving" put under a microscope?
love michelle