Oooh! More stuff to respond to! (May you all have peace!)
Do I, don't I, do I, don't I...? I CAN. But someone always gets [their feelings] "hurt". Should I? Shouldn't I? Should I? Shouldn't I? Oh, what the heck... we're all having "fun", aren't we? Well, okay then. But where to start? Oh, I know (but since there's so much, this could get long, so be forewarned):
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Disbelief in those claims does not require evidence, or proof, in opposition. In other words, if one says there's a god, they have to prove it. Those who do not believe do not have to prove there isn't one.
May I ask just who's "law" that is, dear UC (peace to you!)... and what requires ANYONE to adhere to it? I'm not saying it's "bad", not at all; however, I can give you actual written "law"... and you will tell me how it doesn't apply to you. Or say that just because I believe such requires such doesn't make it so. Also, if an "extraordinary claim" is solicited... and elicited... from one... wouldn't it actually be upon the one so soliciting to disprove it? If YOU ask me "why/how", etc., and I tell you... and you disagree... isn't it upon you to prove why YOU are "right" in your disagreement, versus calling upon ME to prove why I am not "wrong"?
[Okay... at this point I have to let ya'll know that I may have to stop in a few and come back later, 'cause I've had to take a pain med - some serious cold weather has arrived and, unfortunately, it has a very painful affect on my shoulder/arm. Hurts like the dickens!! I will continue for now ('cause I've nothing else to do right now, so...) auntil it kicks in, and then... well, I may have to come back later (tomorrow, even)... and finish. Just so's ya know...]
Aguest, I believe that what you and other christians believe is real to you.
Thank you... and why keep taking issue, then, dear Twitch (again, peace to you!)... unless you just want to understand (which is totally fine and understandable); however, to keep CONTENDING about it makes no sense at all, to me. You ask, we answer. You don't understand... so, why not just ask more questions? But you don't LIKE the answers... why continue even discussing, then? I mean, they're not going to change... contrary to what some of you may think/want...
I just don't know why it's any more or less real than alternative beliefs about god.
Ummm... you're asking ME? I'm not the one asking folks about their [other] beliefs about [god]. People can believe... or not believe... whatever they wish. They don't answer to me. Now, if one is making false claims ABOUT the God I know... then I offer correction/accurate information. Even then, though, they don't HAVE to believe/agree with me. They can take it... or leave it. I wonder, though, if "you" are so much more intelligent than, say, "us"... YOU don't see it that way, too... but must INSIST that others believe/agree with YOU. What do you CARE?
Of course the question puts the burden of proof on you as a believer.
I have to refer you to my response to dear UC above: who says? I mean, since YOU are the one ASKING... why isn't the burden on YOU to prove what you DON'T believe? And why is that since you CAN'T prove what you don't believe (that there is no God)... how are you "right" in putting the burden on "us"?
I can only attest to what I experience and believe, not unlike yourself or anyone for that matter.
Yet, you take issue with me... for doing the EXACT same thing? My understanding is that that is what's called... wait for it... hypocrisy. Do you not SEE that, dear one?
So the question remains, who or what determines whether a god is real or fake?
And the response remains... why don't YOU tell "us"... since whatever response we GIVE won't be "acceptable" TO you?
God keeps whispering more stuff to her...
The Most Holy One of Israel does not "keep" whispering things to me, dear UC. If anyone is "whispering" to me, it's His Son, the Holy One of Israel. But I am certainly not the first... or only... one he "whispers" TO. (Matthew 10:27; Proverbs 8:8a) But, yeah, he does share a lot... I will address comments from dear Uber (peace to you!)... and Jer (maybe; dear tec may have already covered enough)... in separate posts. Again, peace to you all! A slave of Christ, SA, who IS starting to have some fun; too bad, though - meds'll be kickin' in soon...