Your going to make me tell you but I want you to ask. I want it for or exactly the same reason that millions of babies are being neglected. Please ask.
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences
Feel better, Uber?
You have made accusations on this thread that are untrue. Remember that? That shows, to me, that you are seeing what you choose to see, and not what is really there. I'm sorry, but that is on you.
My Lord leads me to love more, be more, help more, forgive more... to show patience, tolerance, love and mercy. So everything else you are saying and the accusations that you are throwing around, you are saying to or about someone else... someone not here. I'm sorry that you have so much anger that you cannot see past that to actually see the people who are trying to answer your questions. You asked them. We didn't come to you and throw them at you. You asked, then attacked the answer. Not just the answer, but also the one giving the answer.
Be that as it may, and despite your preference to cause hurt (you do not have that power though, unfortunately for you)... I do not wish you ill at all. To the contrary. But out of respect for your request, I will keep my wish to myself.
1. Either she cannot stop because she believes she can/will/MUST change someone's beliefs... which makes me wonder how she thinks she is truly different from, say, JWs and/or other evangelical fundamentalists/Islamic extremists... who also believe it is their "job" to change what people believe to what they believe... and won't refrain from "abusive speech/conduct" in order to do it; or
She's talking to me, is that OK with you guys. God, they have no imagination.
OTWO - shelby keeps responding because people keep asking things of her. That is plain to see. Good try though ;)
shelby keeps responding because people keep asking things of her.
or God keeps whispering more stuff to her...
SHE is the one who tried to e X plain that 'we' are here because the thread was asking things of 'us'. Believers are here at the request of the OP. How do you think I knew what the answer was? I read it, from her. It is also true of me.
Even if our God IS our imagination, and we are better people (I know I am, ya, I know*!) because we believe, then how is it it annoys you that we won't dis-believe? Is that a word?
How would we be better people if we did agree with you?
*I know you will say I'm not, but I might be wrong, and I hope I am.
I forgot to ask my high school English teacher if I may put two words together.
Even if our God IS our imagination,
admitting your addiction is the first step to recovery...
Personally, if people want to believe in whatever god they want, fine with me. I'm all for freedom of religion, no matter how delusional it may be. But if someone claims that god speaks to them or that they have special insight on what God wants, I'm gonna call BS on it. They have the right to believe it and I have the right to criticize it.
You didn't answer my question. How would we be better people if we did agree with you? (Goes to prepare for war) (Hi shamus! are you following?)