Nice guys left in the cold

by Elsewhere 72 Replies latest social relationships

  • gilwarrior

    Mommy, thanks for admitting you like bad boys.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • Elsewhere
    bad boys were just more spontaneous than other men, this is where the thrill is.

    Mommy, yep there's that "thrilled" thing I mentioned. Cindy was right, girls do just want to have fun… but also want a stable environment to nest in and raise a family. Women, don’t even try to figure them out!

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    ummm there is a difference between 'bad boys' and pricks...
    why are they being put in the same category??!

    you're happy cause you smile but how much can you fake...

  • Elsewhere

    Because they are the same.

  • Elsewhere

    Anyone here every listen to the Tom Leykis show on the radio? (Related web site: This guy teaches what he calls "Leykis 101".

    Gilwarrior, what you are describing sounds a lot like what Tom recommends... treat women like dirt and they fall all over you. Tom is always having guys call saying that they were once a "nice guy" and never "got any". When they stated acting like jerks, the women were all over them.

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • mommy

    Actually Elsewhere, you can be stable and raise a family and still have a bit of spontaneity in your life. Actually that is a imperative to keeping the "love" alive in a family home. I thought I cleared up my impression of the "bad boys" "good guys" stereotype, maybe you misunderstood me. But Gee I am a womanI like spontaneous people, I do not like a jerk who treats a woman with no respect. I like nice caring people, I do not like a doormat. My point is that there is a difference in them. I guess we need to clear up what is a jerk, and what is a bad boy in your opinion because you started this thread.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire
    Here Elsewhere. Read this and toughen up.
    You gotta get meaner. Women dont make moves in the bedroom department. Thats the ONLY thing they want a man to control.

  • JanH


    It's been my experience that women tend not to go for the "nice" guy who has a lot to offer - big heart, kind, good income, etc. They seem far more likely to go for the aggressive "jerk" or "rebel" who treats them like dirt. Why is that?

    LOL, so true. What type of guys girls say they go for is just an illusion. What they actually do in real life is so different.

    All of us nice guys are relegated to “just a friend”. I’m to the point that as soon as a girl says those three magic words, I just get up and leave.

    Exactly. "Let's just be friends" is the ultimate female insult to a male. It means "you don't turn me on."

    The solution of course is to be a jerk And that means 'admitting' that if they don't have the looks, you just want to "be friends" at best. Alas, the downside is that young, pretty girls are narcissistic bitches. I guess in a sense jerks and bitches deserve each other

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • tyydyy

    What ya'll don't realize is that you're trying to put men into neat well defined catagories. A nice guy is not always a nice guy. A jerk can be very nice at times. Sometimes when someone says nice guy they mean someone with good manners. Sometimes they mean romantic. Sometimes they mean the guy won't beat up the woman. In reality the perfect guy would be confident good looking, sensitive, strong willed yet open minded, willing to stand up for what he believes in, Etc. Some of these things could make someone look like a jerk. Some men define themselves as nice guys when really they are just stupid guys or maybe scared guys who will be nice to a girl for a while just because they are desperate.

    I would fit into just about every catagory there is, depending on when you saw me.

    Which turns your head more? A Ford Taurus or a Jaguar? A mobile home or a house on the water? Every choice comes with a price. The nice guys who also have good looks, confidence and strength of character may be asking more than you can pay. Does that make them evil? I don't think so.


  • Shimmer

    I've had many conversations with friends on this subject. I am a nice girl who married a nice guy. My theory on this subject is that guys/girls do not like to date nice guys/girls unless they are looking to get married. I was told by a "playboy" that I at one time was dating that I was the "marrying kind of girl" and that scared him. So I think that if people are not looking to settle down and they just wanna have fun, then they date the bad boy or girl. And I think this goes for both sexes.

    Just my 2 cents.


    A sobering thought: what if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?------------Jane Wagner

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