Nice guys left in the cold

by Elsewhere 72 Replies latest social relationships

  • flower

    Gil you said: "I think that I am going to take Abaddon's advice and be a 'nice bastard.' I am still going to be a nice guy, but I will stick up for myself if I feel that a woman is doing me wrong"

    I dont think standing up for yourself makes you a bastard. Why do people think that a 'nice guy' has to be a wimp or whipped? Thats not my definition at all.

    I guess I'm unique cause I seem to be one of the very few who arent looking for a bad boy type.

  • 4horsemen


    You wrote: "I'm not the kind of guy who'll stick his hand up a woman's skirt ten minutes after meeting her. I prefer building up to the final act slowly, tenderly"

    That's a 'nice guy'

    A 'jerk' sticks his hand up a woman's skirt upon meeting said woman.

    And a 'bad boy' is the guy who has just outran the cops, throws down a bottle of Johnnie Walker, slaps his squeeze around for dropping his cig, and then proceeds to give her the best sex of her life. After which he bums 5$ off her to buy another pack.

    Gilwarrior: Take a lesson from Abaddon. Become a "nice" bastard. Here's an idea. Dont treat women like a piece of meat on a hook. Especially the "pretty" ones. Instead treat them like people.

    Where's the insight?

    Just this: If your male best friend gave you attitude, or said something you disagreed with, or did something contrary to your opinion on it, you'd let him know. Wouldnt you? But as men who want sex, especially sex with "hot" women, nice guys tend to stifle their true personalities and opinions so as not to offend women, mistankenly thinking we have a better chance in the bedroom, if we appear kind, nice, caring, blah, blah. Wrong!

    What would you think of a co-worker who you knew had opinions, but never expressed them unless called upon? Or when they were called upon you then knew whatever idea they had could basically be intimated to agreeing with with the boss' idea?

    Passive? Vanilla? A "good" worker? A "nice" guy?

    Or even worse: Same worker has a great idea. But is too afraid to present it. Roll the dice and take your shot.

    Women are strange creatures. Dont even try to figure them out. Consider their ways, but respect first your own.

    "It is better to be hated for who you are, then loved for who you are not" ~Nice bastard

  • SixofNine
    slaps his squeeze around for dropping his cig, and then proceeds to give her the best sex of her life.

    LOL. I guess the only thing that keeps that scenario from just being some dumbass' fantasy is that there really are women so f'd up they find that stimulating.

    But that is insane, so why are we talking about it?

  • KissAFish

    Firstly....I have to say, 2SYn you are a DISH.!!!. ( and I am a girlie..) ..Um as for the good guy vs bad.... different strokes for different folks.. I dont think you can generalise for either Guys or is a circle..society pressures make people think they have to behave a certain way....and Men and Women end up quite abit confused...And on an entirely different subject...are there any Candians on here..? I am heading over next year for an exchange..Wondering if Vancouver is a good choice for a sunloving aussie girl..?? (LOL)... I know.. silly question...

    "Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. "
    Mark Overby

  • Stealth

    I would concider myself to be one of the nice guys that women get bored with after awhile. It has been stated that a bad boy is not the same as a Jerk.

    Can any of the ladies here provide some specific examples of the anti jerk bad boy turn ons? Can the nice guys lean to think and do some of these things?

    I will be going on my first date with a non JW in over 18 years in a couple of weeks so I need all the help I can get.

    Regards, Stealth

  • LDH


    I'm not sure I understand the question. Please rephrase what you need to read examples of.


  • 2SYN

    KissAFish: That's not me...that's Keanu Reeves, who I wish I looked like If you want to see what the people on this board look like, go here:

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • DanielHaase

    So does all this mean that Fred Hall always gets laid?? I hate myself.

    "Brother, you better get down on your knees and pay...a thousand more fools are being born every f***ing day" -Bad Religion
  • Naeblis

    I was down at the library with an old female friend o mine and I thought of this for some reason. So I thought I'd ask her, since we've known each other too long for her to care about lying to me anymore :P I said,

    Me:Would you classify me as a "nice guy?
    Her: What?
    Me: You know, when girls say, yeah he's a real nice guy..
    Her: YOu??
    Me: *annoyed* Yes me.
    Her: *peals of laughter*

    Anyways. Apparantly she mentioned me to one of her friends and mentioned I was funny, or something. Her friend asked her to bring me out with her one time. Ohhhh I don't think that's a good idea.. Why?? Cause he's the biggest asshole I know.


  • peaceloveharmony

    naebs, that's perfect! we women folk love the bad boy/asshole types!

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