Nice guys left in the cold

by Elsewhere 72 Replies latest social relationships

  • Naeblis

    Shut up all of ya!! Aww I didn't mean it.

    yes I did.

  • TR

    I think the answer is to not look for party animals who frequent bars and clubs. When I was young and did my drinking thing at the bars, I vowed not to look for girls in the bars. Just drink, dance and have fun.

    Try to meet girls through work, libraries, art exhibits, health clubs, etc.

    I met my wife at work.


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • TR


    I guess in a sense jerks and bitches deserve each other
    This is so true!


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Abaddon

    The secret is being a nice bastard.

    I remember being utterly cunt-struck by this girl; she was a dancer, had a body to die for, and was an umstoppable shag monster who came like a train. I thought she was the answer to my poor ickle broken heart, and everything, from the second she walked into my room (I was at Uni') was designed to please her, every time we met up.

    Basically I was guy she had good sex with (takes two to tango, no claim to stud-dom) who always had pot, who liked similar music, who found her doing Theology at Uni' interesting as distinct from weird, and who had no visable personality or interests of his own because he sucked up like a sad puppy whenever she was around.

    She dumped me after six weeks and ended up with a guy who made her dress in baggy lose-fitting clothing when she went out, stopped her working as a dancer at a nightclub, and who gave her at least one black-eye.

    Needless to say I was flabbergasted. And developed a rather cynical air regarding girls.

    During a break in my next relationship (her idea), I saw this other girl who described me as a nice bastard.

    Apparently this was a good thing. I was nice enough to be worthwhile, and independent enough to be interesting and exciting.

    It was a kind of revelation. I realised that if you were honest, you could get away with virtually anything (four regular sexual partenrs at the same time? that'll do nicely!). Only 'true love' stopped me becoming a player who would have kept on going until senility set in.

    It's obviously more complex than that, but essentially, if you (male OR female) can't stand up TO your partner, how the FUCK are you going to stand up FOR your partner? ANd who wants to be with someone who won't stand up for them?

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Naeblis

    Once again, do not confuse being a "nice guy" and being BORING! Just because I wont prune your toenails or let you win every argument does not mean I'm a jerk. Just cause I won't drive to your house at 3am to bring you a flavour of ice cream you like does not mean I'm a jerk! You want women to like you?? Order away for a backbone, they're really affordable this time of year.

  • JanH

    Naeblis, You're a jerk just admit it and be happy about it.

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • WildHorses

    "Lilacs: So babe, wanna go out some time?"

    Hmm, where do you live? I can't afford to go accross country but if you live near here, we might be able to work something out


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • flower

    I'm agreeing with Prisca..I'd rather have a nice guy and if I ever meet one he'd be the one I pick. But I've yet to meet one that is available and interested. I would never delibrately date someone who is a jerk and didnt respect me but I have dated a few only because they pretended to be nice guys. The nice ones I meet are always married.

    Nice to me doesnt mean wimpy or a loser. It just means respectful, caring, ambitious, intelligent, sensitive, responsible, and moral. Hey nice guys, I'm available too! ;)


  • flower


    i dont know about other women but me personally i've been abused enough in my life i dont want or need a jerk or 'bad boy'.

    respect and love is mostly what i want.


    ps. your too nice a guy to play the bad boy role so dont bother trying.

  • gilwarrior

    I think that I am going to take Abaddon's advice and be a 'nice bastard.' I am still going to be a nice guy, but I will stick up for myself if I feel that a woman is doing me wrong. Yeah!

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

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