I believe human existence is an impossibility because we cannot explain our environment.
Well that's just silly. We are here, so what you believe is irrelavant.
If you stand in the middle of a room and continuously walk in half the distance intervals towards one of it's walls you will never arrive at the wall. The ability to move forward forever without reaching a destination provides a window into our limitations.
Ah, Zeno's Dichotomy paradox. That relys on dividing forward progress infinitely into smaller and smaller portions. Since that's not how things work (as evidence by the fact your fingers can make it to the keyboard rather than infinitely moving half the distance), your analogy fails, as does the paradox. Forward progress is not infinitely divided into halves in a neat box like that.
I do not believe my brain has the capacity to understand the first cause
We agree 100%.
just as it is impossible to fully explain the big bang
That may be true. It may not be true. We, as a species, if we survive long enough, will see. Your assertion that it is impossible reminds me of people saying that human flight was impossible, or traveling faster than sound, or an expanding universe.
Even the theory of evolution requires raw material to start with. That's the human framework: start, middle and end.
That's how human stories (like the Bible) go. The universe functions very differently. We don't know what the start was or if there is an end. I don't see exactly how that relates to evolution, per se, since evolution definitely had a start, but again we don't know what the end is or if there is one.
The First Cause (that caused things that have starts, middles and ends) would NOT be limited to a corporeal existence.
That's an interesting conjecture, but that's all it is. Conjecture with wishful thinking.
But, in the spirit of conjecture perhaps that First Cause that you want to be God, whatever plane of existence he lives in, consider HIS realm to be corporeal and had a first cause as well. I mean, if we are too complex to have spontaneously arisen, something more infinitely complex must have ALSO had a first cause, and THAT first cause PRIME must have ALSO had a first cause.
Oh no, it's Zeno's paradox in reverse! We can never arrive at a first cause!
I don't presume to be able to explain the first cause just as Evolution doesn't presume to be able to explain HOW the raw material it uses as a foundation to the entire theory.
I know, there is a whole field of study dedicated to that called abiogenisis. They have done some amazing work lately. Check it out. We get closer every day using science, not wishful thinking. They presume to do the science and find out.
Your argument is like saying that the entire framework of evolution is fallacious because it cannot fully explain itself.
I am pretty sure I never said anything like that. More wishful thinking because it sounds like that is what YOU are saying.
Abiogenesis provides theory, but where did that raw material come from? And here we are with an infinite loop again
That why we do science! No infinite loop. We do science to figure it out.

I believe that proof that "God", or a higher power than the human brain, exists because of human's inherent limitations.
You are conjecturing that there are limits to what we can learn. That may be true. You, however, are taking possible limitations and projecting them as a positive assertion for God with nothing to back you up but wishful thinking.
This is why science is ruthless to ideas. People making flu vaccines can't just wish for things, they have to treat the flu as it evolves and adjust appropriately, not ignore evolution like the fundies want.
Oh, and what ARE those inherent limitations you are so keen on?