Sab - not even wrong but its off topic
Does anybody still believe in God and the Bible?
by tornapart 218 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sab - not even wrong but its off topic
How is that off topic? This thread is about whether or not one believes in the Bible of which a cornerstone teaching of it is that all humanity stems from a single patriarch and a matriarch. Evidence for or against the Bible's validity is perfectly on topic.
Witness My Fury
Woo? That's a new one on me. lol
What do you use as a criteria for belief that a Supreme Being exists and that his son exists.
Woo? That's a new one on me. lol - WMF
Woo-woo (or just plain woo ) refers to ideas considered irrational or based on extremely flimsy evidence or that appeal to mysterious occult forces or powers. - The Skeptic's Dictionary
Witness My Fury
You, like too many people on this planet, bring out the microscope with the Bible, and other ancient works, when it's actually very inappropriate outside of measuring the difference of scientific knowledge between now and then.
People keep claiming that the Bible is scientifically sound. If they do that, then they get science to examine the bible and it keeps coming up lacking.
If people don't want science measuring the bible, then they should quit making claims about it.
And on this particular discussion board, JW.NET, the command of Jesus to "make disciples found at Matt. 28:19, 20 is completely OUTLAWED here... on this discussion board, is that correct?
Correct. Share your views, but no seeking converts or disciples.
Oh you can try to convert us just watch out for the blow-back....we get to unconvert you
Thanks JDW. I'm happy to explore any ideas. Ultimately I want to use my 'free mind' and no longer be told what I can and can't look at, read and watch. From now on the internet and books and free discussion are all open to me! It will be a voyage of discovery. Thanks to everyone for posting, I never expected it to catch people's attention as it has. Everyone has so many interesting ideas, whether thay are atheist, agnostic, believers in God, nature (I have a wonderful pagan friend who I love to bits! LOL) or whatever... it all makes the world a fascinating place to live!
I still believe in God, Jesus and most of the Bible.
Can I explain all the apparent contradictions on the Bible nope. As JWs we were thought we knew the truth and that the Bible was white and black. You are either right or you are wrong. Seems to be something that carries over to many exJWs. The mentality of either you are right or wrong. We have a need to know if what we believe is right or wrong. And some want to shove their conclusions to others.
Life is finally what you want to make of it. Do you want to spend your life searching for knowlege and truth all the time. One of the biggest obstacles of finding the truth is believing you have the whole truth. But you could spend your entired life and never find it, if that makes you happy so be it, but if it doesn't then we need to accept there are many things we'll never know and we'll never proove.
I like some of Sulla's points. I too in my over 20 years as a bautized jw in multiple congregation never met one single person that was very religious or that had a very strong Bible knowlge. I always wonder why we could only teach people that knew very little about the Bible.
We are not rational creatures. We don't believe or do what is the more logical path. We don't want to be alone in our believes and even if there is proof we should believe something most of us unless there are other people believing it we feel unease by that.
We can talk about critical thinking skills and apply them to everything. Yet those where the same methods others taught us, aren't we arriving at the conclusion because of the tools someone else gave us? Education can be great, but can also destroyed the creativity of many. You are pre-programmed to think a certain way because other ways are just illogical and stupid.
My conclusions is that there are cons and pros on practically everything. There are a few things that are absolutes most are not. There might be a 99% evidence that points one way and 1% that might point on a different way. If we try to be rational we will go with the 99% yet if someone goes with the 1% doesn't make them less smart there still 1% in their favor and we should learn to respect that. When something is not 100% you can argue all you want but at the end of the day it can go either way.