Atheism 2.0

by Qcmbr 384 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    When you take something away from people you have to replace that gaping wound with something healing---if you don't, you've effectively

    Gaping wound? What are you talking about? You insist on defining us by YOUR standards. You think that we have lost something and need to heal. We've lost no more than a cancerous tumor that we let go willingly. Talk about sneering. How presumptuous of you to assert that we are not complete unless we fill this mythical hole with some belief system. My life is not about being an atheist. When I was religious, my life was about being religious, so maybe this is hard to grasp. My life does not center around my disbelief in gods. I have simply removed the barrier that blocked out so much about life. I have taken away the end answer, and now just enjoy the journey.

    You call it a negative worldview. With all these little tricks you play with language (and you are talented that way---I like your writing) you make baffling statements. I don't believe in unicorns. I live my life accordingly. Is that a negative worldview? No----it's reality. It is actually a neutral worldview.

    Does it come from going the opposite direction entirely? Across the same minefield?

    I would say that is a much better course than playing in the minefield a little longer. Why is that a less valid path than any other? If I make it to the other side, I have chosen one correct path. If you choose a different path, and make it all the same, then you too have chosen a path that served you well. Would you criticize the route I took then---somehow claiming that even though we are both still alive, your path is somehow superior? And if I said I would never follow the path you have taken, and I am also alive, then what does it matter? Would you imagine that I have come out with some gaping wound?

    Atheism is not a gaping wound! It is diseased tissue that has been removed and replaced with healthy tissue---just not the healthy tissue you would prefer. It is filled with evidence, science, music, art, love, purpose and some of the bad stuff too. But you don't have anything better. And you don't get to define my experience. I never felt more complete than when I gave up the god concept. The feeling was actually elation. A huge weight was lifted, and everything looked better and brighter. It was more powerful than any religious experience I ever had, because it was based on evidence and not fleeting. Facts instead of emotion. Knowledge. If that is arrogant--according to your definitions---so be it. I will never take on the oppressive weight of god belief again. I could not function under that artifical load.

    It's fine to discuss the ideas about god, but when you make assumptions about the Atheist experience, something you clearly don't understand, then that can come across as quite arrogant also.


  • cofty

    Its sounds like indecision masquerading as the smug superiority of the "middle way".

    If you are undecided Terry that is fine. Take as long as you need - forever if you wish, but don't judge those of us who have reached a decision as being "wounded, negative, rude and inept.

    Similar to NC I gave you my positive understanding of a broader worldview that includes a disbelief in god. You chose to ignore these and go on inventing your own depressing version of Atheism with an upper-case "A".

  • N.drew
    but don't judge those of us who have reached a decision as being "wounded, negative, rude and inept.

    I think what Terry is saying is that concluding there is no Supreme Spiritul Intelligence is haughty. By KNOWING that there is nothing else is to discredit every other soul that believes there is a superlative intelligence.

    And you say do not judge atheists as inept, but that is what you do to believers. It is a double standard.

  • Phizzy

    I was helped to understand exactly what atheism was by the guy who used the illustration :

    "I do not play golf, I am a non-golfer, it is simply something I do not do, not doing it does nor define who I am, what my morals are or what my world view is, I just do not do it, in a similar way, I do not do God"

  • N.drew

    Yes Phizzy! Very good wibble , if I do say so myself.

    I can only speak from my own point of view.

    An atheist fits into my understanding of the cosmos. But I do not fit into an atheist's understanding. Atheists exclude believers. This believer does not exclude atheists. Not as welcome, but as right.

  • N.drew

    How can both be right? I don't know.

  • cofty
    I think what Terry is saying is that concluding there is no Supreme Spiritul Intelligence is haughty.

    If so then Terry is wrong.

    Hundreds of people believe they have been abducted and probed by aliens. Thousands put faith in homeopathy. Millions believe that a cracker and some wine turn into the actual body and blood of Jesus when the man in the frock says his magic spells over them. They are all deluded. If it is haughty to say so then it is haughty to claim to know anything.

    By KNOWING that there is nothing else is to discredit every other soul that believes there is a superlative intelligence.

    What a pity for you. All your credibility could be restored in an instant if you would only offer some evidence for your beliefs.

  • bohm
  • EntirelyPossible

    An atheist fits into my understanding of the cosmos. But I do not fit into an atheist's understanding. Atheists exclude believers. This believer does not exclude atheists. Not as welcome, but as right.

    How haughty of you to presume to define my world view for me. What exactly are you excluded from?

  • N.drew

    A understanding has come to many people that there is a spiritual force that leads the willing. Because that understanding has not come to you and because you choose not to be led by anything except your own self how does that mean it can't be true for them? That's not fair.

    Please don't throw religious shit at me. Religion was taken over by the wolf-like people. Truth was choked out by the weeds.

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