Victoria, Australia: A MUST READ-Transcript of audio recording of WT letter read to all Victoria congs Oct/Nov. 2011 re: Working With Children Act

by AndersonsInfo 101 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • james_woods

    What about "Brother Van Der Sluis" (sounds like: Van Der Sloot???)?

    Am I the only one who recognizes that name?

    Yeah, I saw it Marvin (and we know who Van der Sloot was) - but, after all - it COULD be a real name. Not as suspicious to me on its face as "borg" and "perp"...

  • undercover

    Am I the only one who recognizes that name?

    I'm drawing a blank. I mean, it sounds familiar, but can't make a connection.

    What's the deal? I'm curious now

  • sabastious

    The slip could have been on purpose because he knew he was being recorded. Nonetheless if the transcriber is using their imagination that would mean it's a premeditated hoax on their part. I don't see much motive for that other than general mischief. There are more ingenus or imaginative ways of discrediting the Watchtower for the sake of it. What's plausible to me is an elder at his wits end. The "slip" could have been a shout out to the people who created and circulated that term which is all too fitting. Only the BORG would sell out their drones. It's blatantly inhuman.

    The Watchtower works very much like the fictional Borg from Star Trek the Next Generation. Take for example their efforts to schmooze with world leaders of countries that they have yet to penetrate with their "good news." Once a country lets them in they will start their extremely sophisticated assimilation process.

    And just like the Borg process, it stays with people who were once a drone and were set free from the collective. For those characters it's a life process of reintegrating not only with society, but simply the idea that you don't just have a designation, but a personal name and a real history. It could be said that the original motivations for the Borg of Star Trek could very well be cults like the Watchtower.

    A lot of people do not leave because they don't believe it's worth it. The Watchtower has it setup that way. That's part of the hook and it's to large and rusty for some people to pull out themselves. So they just wait for death to come all the while giving the Watchtower their time, resources and money. When you get mugged in an alleyway it's best to just give them your wallet and be as cordial as possible for fear of enraging an unstable mind and losing your life for a couple of currency notes. Such is with the Watchtower and many people on the inside. They just don't really understand what's happening.

    If this transcription is a hoax then it still doesn't discount the fact that there are elder's out there that stand up to the Watchtower. Someone has to bare the brunt of the bully in the beginning so that public awareness can be rasied and change becomes possible through the people themselves.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Not as suspicious to me on its face as "borg" and "perp"...

    "Brother Van Der Sluis" (sounds like: Van Der Sloot) woven into a transcript of an alleged recording of a meeting that also uses terms like "borg" and "perp" smacks of someone having fun with the gallery.

    I'm not suggesting the transcript and the alleged recording is bogus, I'm only saying that it has earmarks of someone having fun at the expense of others.

    If there is a brother Van Der Sluis then so be it. Fine.

    In the meantime I'd take great care what is made of this transcript.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I'm drawing a blank. I mean, it sounds familiar, but can't make a connection.

    Van Der Sloot is the name of the guy involved in the disappearance of Natalie Holloway, a teenager on vacation in the southern Caribbean at the time. He is notorious. Right now he’s serving time in a South American prison for murdering another girl.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • james_woods

    You know what, Marvin - that little statement also said that "Brother Van der Sluis" is "handling our question box".

    Now I don't remember there being a "question box" part on assembly programs back in my day (over 35 years ago) - is that also a little funny?

    BTW, Undercover - Joran van der Sloot was that psychopathic spoiled kid that killed the American girl in Aruba, was never charged, and then was caught red-handed killing another girl in Peru last year.

  • undercover

    Oh, OK... thanks. I was trying to come up with a GB member or high ranking Bethel heavy. Wrong type of criminal...

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Wrong type of criminal...

    Says who?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I don't remember there being a "question box" part on assembly programs

    What does an assembly program have to do with the alleged audio recording?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • james_woods

    What does an assembly program have to do with the alleged audio recording?

    I thought it was supposed to have been recorded at an assembly. Now I see it was a letter at a local meeting for that Trafalgon congregation.

    Still, has anybody ever heard of a "question box" part on any congregational meeting?

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