Ooooh, brother...
In one breath, Sab claims to accept that
"black widows ...... are beautiful creatures who have evolved just as awesome abilities as us..."
Then, in the SAME post, he claims that these spiders haven't "evolved" a sense of MORALITY, yet?????
Ah, Sab...
Lemme explain something to you...
As mP said above, things that exist on this planet were NOT placed here by some imaginary sky-daddy or specious super-energy sentient entity, just for the profit, pleasure, or alleviation of boredom of we arrogant, self-centered little humans...
WE are JUST as involved in that EVOLVED arms race, as every OTHER EVOLVED form of life on the planet.
We're not above the other critters; we ARE just another critter!!
So.... If that two-year-old child wants to SURVIVE, then he/she'd DAMN well better develop better survival skills - or his/her PARENT had better improve their ability to look after their offspring, if they want their genes successfully passed on to future generations!!!