The wonders of God's creation - Example 1, the tsetse fly

by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina
    "Evil is a logical foundation for morality which is a highly evolved sense of self and other that occurs in homo sapiens. ..." Sab,above

    NO it's not!! The concept of "evil", tends to be a theological self-serving label slapped onto anything that theists perceive as "wrong" - or threatening to their theological worldview - just as many of them view same-sex marriages, pregnancy out-of-wedlock, empowerment of women, freedom for slaves, etc, as "evil" - until the masses move past the theologists, and they have to play "catch-up"....

    As "tornapart" said, bottom of page 1:

    "Maybe you should see things from the tetse fly's point of view.. I'm sure he's quite happy with things....."

    Tsetse flies, being another species that evolved on this planet, same as the rest of us, are self-justifying - they evolved, they exist, and any harm/calamities that they cause, well, that's something for the OTHER species to EVOLVE defenses against!!

    And THAT dance - evolve an effective predatory/parasitic behavior, then the prey/hosts evolve defenses against it, then the predators/parasites evolve ANOTHER effective behavior, then the prey/hosts evolve ANOTHER defense against it...

    THAT is the reason one sees a sort of "arms race" in the paleontological record... And in our modern-day world, too.

  • ziddina
    "I don't openly worship anything. I am in a state of searching. ..." Sab, page 4

    Ah - huh... Sure....

    Better keep searching... Cuz' you haven't succeeded in leaving your old beliefs totally behind, and that continues to taint all information you're currently taking in.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    who'd have thought a conversation about the tsetse fly could be so interesting...going back to read now that I've had my shots.

  • sabastious

    Tornapart and I were talking about black widows in another thread. I think the animal is pertinent here too. You see, they really are beautiful creatures who have evolved just as awesome abilities as us, they are just smaller. However they have a poison that can easily kill a small child and they have not evolved a sense of morality when using it. Therefore children have been killed by the spider.

    This is much like the tsetse fly and it's ill effects on humanity. One could argue that the fly and the spider have as much right to exist as we do. In a certain light they do, but there is another law of the universe that must be considered higher than such a law of equality.

    The law is that you do not take more than you give. A small spider doesn't give enough in of itself to warrent the destruction of a human child. The exchange is imbalanced. It takes an evolved mind to understand this however and evolution is a process. So naturally there are going to be periods of time where we just wait and suffer. It's not a sunshine and lollipops answer, but it works for me.


  • thetrueone

    The question remains, if Eve and Adam didn't have the knowledge of good or evil prior to eating the fruit, how could they be justifiably judged ?

    And wouldn't have Eve been scared away from a talking snake since no other snakes talked in the garden of Eden ?

    The story of Adam and Eve in the bible is a logical fallacy but then again all the

    stories of the gods that have been spoken about have been wrought full of logical fallacies, isn't that right Sab. ?

    I think hear Yahweh calling for you Sab., you better make tracts back to the Kingdom Hall as soon as possible.

  • sabastious
    Ah - huh... Sure....

    I am interested into your ideas as to why you believe I worship anything other than an idea like the Jedi Force, or Ch'i. I quantify a system of spirituality based on how old it is and how old it's influences are. To me, all paths lead to the same place, which I used to believe was just a cop out when a Witness. However, the exact opposite proved to be true. Making such a claim requires a lot of research and personal discovery. There is so much to learn. All the while I do feel God and believe he directs me, along with every human, in extremely mysterious and complex ways.


  • sabastious
    The question remains, if Eve and Adam didn't have the knowledge of good or evil prior to eating the fruit, how could they be justifiably judged ?

    That is an awesome question, one I have an answer for, but it's off topic. This thread is about FLIES!


  • mP

    So tsetse flies kill and hurt humans... not everything on earth is for humans. We kill them, and some of the animal world kills us, thats the law of the jungle.

  • thetrueone

    Doesn't the physical appearance and behavior, confirm biological evolution in the many variation of species seen today and in the past ?

    As far as the many stories told in folklore of the animals on earth, doesn't biological evolution fit logically within that science ?

  • sabastious
    Better keep searching... Cuz' you haven't succeeded in leaving your old beliefs totally behind, and that continues to taint all information you're currently taking in.

    Correction, it may appear as if my new ideas are not new at all, but rather old ones cropping up with new information. This could be evidence of confirmation bias, I agree and I tread very carefully and appreciate the sentiment. However, I have realized that many of my ideas were always separate from the Watchtower, and that the Watchtower was actually shaping my own preconceived ideas of oneness of humanity and God.


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