The wonders of God's creation - Example 1, the tsetse fly

by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    If God ever comes down to us I will shake his hand, not put him on trial.

    What evidence do you have that god has hands like humans anyways, seems rather illogical for god to have hands to grasp animate objects like us.

    and where do you get the information that (god) is sexual (Him) and he has a ding-a-ling ?

    I hope it wasn't solely upon expressed ignorant human imagination.

  • sabastious

    What if I said I would. How would you feel about me as a person? What if I told you that I have seen too many baby deaths in my life and that if I killed everybody babies would never die again. Sure lots of babies would die, but baby deaths would completely cease.

    The reason to not to destroy all life is because it would just start it over again. The babies would still die, just new ones that would never have come if I hadn't pressed the button. Therein lies what seems to be a constant across all existence: we only change, we never go away.

    Geez, that is a TOTALLY moronic question that could ONLY come from the mind of a worshipper of a death-oriented, Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern nomadic males' volcano 'gawd' - which has committed genocide several times in the past AND promises to do so in the future, too...

    Are you implying that I worship Yahweh? Because that isn't true. I think the entity speaking to John in revelation was a real manifestation from the spirit realm. That manifestation was created, in part, by John's mind. This means that it is limited to the subsconscious limitations of John himself of which I am unaware of.


  • sabastious
    I hope it wasn't solely upon expressed ignorant human imagination.

    God could have hands and I would shake them. If he didn't I would just head nod, but I still wouldn't cuff him and throw him in the brig.


  • ziddina

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    The True One, that's another aspect about the 'god'[s] of the bible that helped convince me that "he/they/it" weren't real.....

    In fact, thinking about that, I came up with this saying:

    "Any god that is in the PSYCHOLOGICAL image of man/humans, CANNOT be the "true" god, for it/he/they/she are MADE IN THE IMAGE OF SOMETHING THAT EXISTS ON EARTH... [psychological image, but made in our likeness nonetheless...]"

    "god" is jealous, gets angry, feels regret over something he/it/they have done "wrong" - though he/they/it NEVER ADMITS to being wrong...

    Gee, does any of this sound familiar???

  • sabastious
    And you are aware of the fact that the earth "didn't start out with 'land and sea'...", are you?? Well, then what DID it start out with - for the first THREE BILLION YEARS or so, while we're at it...?

    I don't need to know what the Earth started out as. I would imagine it has something to do with the gravitational pull of the sun drawing in space particles and creating them into a perfect sphere.


  • sabastious
    "Any god that is in the PSYCHOLOGICAL image of man/humans, CANNOT be the "true" god, for it/he/they/she are MADE IN THE IMAGE OF SOMETHING THAT EXISTS ON EARTH... [psychological image, but made in our likeness nonetheless...]"

    Isaac created an ornate cloak for his son. This represents, in part, human's creative nature because he was made in the image of a creator. That's why science is here, because we created the scientific method. We are creators! That's why Adam and Eve are depicted as eating from the Good and Bad tree, it symbolized autonomy from God.


  • ziddina
    "What if I said I would. How would you feel about me as a person? What if I told you that I have seen too many baby deaths in my life and that if I killed everybody babies would never die again. Sure lots of babies would die, but baby deaths would completely cease...."
    "Are you implying that I worship Yahweh? ..."


    I'm saying that your question comes from a certain mindset - one that is damned bloodthirsty, just like the three Middle-Eastern gods [or more] whose theology has influenced your way of thinking from earliest childhood... And your question is far more telling of your internal thought processes, than of any supposed perception that you've assumed I have....

  • thetrueone

    "It only ends once, anything that happens before that is just progress." There is love in the will to move forward, tsetse flies or no tsetse flies.

    So lets say if a deadly biological virus was to spread slowly around the world by tsetse flies and mosquitoes, which there was no viable antidote

    to be distributed, killing you and your family and the most of mankind, you would be in acceptance of this occurrence as being progress in god's

    divine scheme of things ? Funny this is exactly the way medieval people once thought " If it happens its god's will "

  • sabastious
    I'm saying that your question comes from a certain mindset - one that is damned bloodthirsty, just like the three Middle-Eastern gods [or more] whose theology has influenced your way of thinking from earliest childhood... And your question is far more telling of your internal thought processes, than of any supposed perception that you've assumed I have....

    My mindset is bloodthirsty? You are the one saying there is no purpose to life other than what we make. What about the tsetse flies? Are they just a blemish on mother natures record? Is there any purpose to the death they cause? In your world, no, there is not purpose at all. So, we live in a world with senseless death, you better get on that if you are to call yourself moral.


  • sabastious

    So lets say if a deadly biological virus was to spread slowly around the world by tsetse flies and mosquitoes, which there was no viable antidote

    to be distributed, killing you and your family and the most of mankind, you would be in acceptance of this occurrence as being progress in god's

    divine scheme of things ?

    I would need God more than any time in my life if that happened. Never would I curse God and die, though. Neither would I blindly believe it was part of an intricate scheme. I would consider my woes collateral damage to some deeper truth I was unaware of. I wouldn't expect heaven to have a big schematics book there where I can find the page where it has my family dying.


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