You are still wrong.
by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends
You are still wrong.
At one point he decided to make humans, which are a lot like him.
What evidence do you have of this phenomena, you do realize that if looks like us then he would have to
have feet to walk under gravity, hands to clasp animate objects.
Surely he couldn't have built the earth and all the which is here by using mere hands, walking about.
This isn't only illogical its ridicules.
The True One, the part that worries me the most, is 'his' psychological similarities to Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern human males...
Yes it is a bit both frightening and worrisome.
Little hint = he's young and he's just left the JWS, he's retaining one foot in the Kingdom Hall out of dubious caution
I meant that the "god's" similarities to Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern males, is VERY worrying...!!!
But yeah, Sab's lack of contact with reality is a bit worrisome... As is AGuest's... And tec's... And N.drew's... And Vidgun's....
Maybe they'll develop the necessary intellectual curiosity, someday - and intellectual honesty, too.
When you don't have viable tangible answers to explain things, turn to the gods, they will offering you anything you can possibly imagine.
They may not be the right answers but they will answer you
Yeah, imagination can be a powerful force... Powerful placebo.....
All I see are NewChapter laws being broken right and left! Tsk tsk. I could keep going, but I am eagerly awaiting jambon1's next part in the series. Where is he anyway?
Yeah, imagination can be a powerful force... Powerful placebo.....
No creationists have given a good explanation for predation/parasitism, IMO. God's "design" is paradoxically magnificent and horrifying all at once.