The wonders of God's creation - Example 1, the tsetse fly

by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    The concept of "senseless" death, would only occur to someone who thinks that some 'magickal' supreme being has a gigantic - though super-secret - "plan"...

    The crew members of a ship at sea are often troubled by a sudden unexplained change in course. However, they trust their captain and don't call the change an unnecessary secret unless they are planning mutiny.


  • sabastious
    Death is a part of the process of life. It is not intrinsically "evil"; it just is.

    That's essentially my point, just from a theistic viewpoint instead of an atheistic viewpoint.


  • ziddina
    "It's cool that you can go into detail like that. It shows insight into the mind of God...." Sab, above

    Which god - or older still, goddess???

    Isis? Astarte? Ishtar? Inanna? Anuk?? Bast? Kali? Sekhmet? Hecate? Gaia? Venus? Durga? Kwan-Yin? Tiamat? Thor? Odin? Loki? Pan? Dionysus? Zeus? Apollo? Set? Osiris? Horus? Lugh? Freya?

    And on and on and on and on and on....

    And ALL of those mentioned - and MANY more - were worshipped as "true gods/goddesses", in their time - many of them LOOOOONG before the Hebrew god[s] were spun into legendary existence...

  • thetrueone

    So Sab what then is the final reason and purpose for your particular god to create the universe and all things here on earth ?

    Please give clear defined answer .

  • ziddina
    "The crew members of a ship at sea are often troubled by a sudden unexplained change in course. However, they trust their captain and don't call the change an unnecessary secret unless they are planning mutiny. ..." Sab, above

    Yes, but the end of every single 'voyage', as you have symbolically referred to human lives/affairs, is ultimately death.

    You still have not addressed the reason that your hypothetical "god" would 'create' tsetse flies with a kill-rate of around 250,000 to 300,000 humans - killing OFF those special little "cherries on the top", as you mentioned above - your concept of 'gawd' has very harsh treatment of those supposedly "created" AS the supposed "cherry" on top...

    As to dominance of the earth... In terms of geological time, humans have only been around for a mere blink of time - and based on their current, collectively delusional behavior patterns based upon the concept of some "magickal" being who views them as that special little "cherry" on top, coming to "rescue" them....

    Ain't gonna happen. Which means that the human race is probably NOT going to be around for any great period of time. Not like the dinosaurs, who were collectively around for well over 100 million years...

  • sabastious
    Isis? Astarte? Ishtar? Inanna? Anuk?? Bast? Kali? Sekhmet? Hecate? Gaia? Venus? Durga? Kwan-Yin? Tiamat? Thor? Odin? Loki? Pan? Dionysus? Zeus? Apollo? Set? Osiris? Horus? Lugh? Freya?

    Oooo! I like Norse Mythology a lot, I'll take Freya. I have to go meet a friend, I'll be back tonight.


  • ziddina

    Oh, and....

    And you are aware of the fact that the earth "didn't start out with 'land and sea'...", are you?? Well, then what DID it start out with - for the first THREE BILLION YEARS or so, while we're at it...?

    "I don't need to know what the Earth started out as. I would imagine it has something to do with the gravitational pull of the sun drawing in space particles and creating them into a perfect sphere. ..." Sab, page 11, post #7819

    WRONG answer.

    Try again.

  • sabastious
    Ain't gonna happen. Which means that the human race is probably NOT going to be around for any great period of time. Not like the dinosaurs, who were collectively around for well over 100 million years...

    Humans have got to be one of the first species that are prejudice of themselves and often prefer ancient reptiles to their own kind.

    So Sab what then is the final reason and purpose for your particular god to create the universe and all things here on earth ?

    Because that's his job. We all have jobs and his is to create. He gets to choose what to create and how that takes place. At one point he decided to make humans, which are a lot like him in the fact that we create as well and also have evil (human's and God's opposite) constantly backing us into a corner, but then just making it before the end. It's funny because we think that the bomb ticking down to 1 second is not realistic, but that's really the way it works!


  • thetrueone

    So god created evil like the tsetse fly on purpose as part of nature.

    So god is both evil and good. Both Yahweh and Satan

    I see

  • sabastious
    WRONG answer.

    The answer is C.


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