There is no justifiable (Godly) love in the biological evolution of earth's species.
If thats in question, then all you have to do is personally approach a pride of hungry lions out in the wild,
you'll be quick to find out for yourself
by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends
There is no justifiable (Godly) love in the biological evolution of earth's species.
If thats in question, then all you have to do is personally approach a pride of hungry lions out in the wild,
you'll be quick to find out for yourself
"Biological evolution is an extremely complex science that requires schooling and tutelage to fully understand. Biological evolution does not disprove God in any way shape or form. ..." Sab, page 10, post #7807
Ahhhhh, Sab......
First of all...
"Biological evolution is an extremely complex science that requires schooling and tutelage to fully understand."
To understand it at the level of the scientists who have studied it for the greater part of their lives, one would perhaps need some college classes, and perhaps a tutorial if one is having difficulty grasping the finer points of the sciences involved...
HOWEVER... For those of us who subscribe to magazines of general scientific content, like the aforementioned "Smithsonian", "National Geographic", "Popular Science", and so on, we can obtain a decent understanding of the basics of the concepts, and the rudimentary mechanisms underlying the processes.
Which brings me to the second part of your comment...
"...Biological evolution does not disprove God in any way shape or form. ..."
Since you do not understand that a typical 'layperson' CAN understand the basics, WITHOUT having to obtain a PhD in evolutionary biology, microbiology, biogenetics and other biological sciences, then you CANNOT make THIS statement with any degree of accuracy - or even contact with reality...
And again you've lapsed into translating information through the mental framework of the mythology of that 3,500-year-old Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern nomadic males' volcano 'god'...
Several thousand years ago, a small tribe of ignorant near-savages wrote various collections of myths, wild tales, lies, and gibberish.
Over the centuries, these stories were embroidered, garbled, mutilated, and torn into small pieces that were then repeatedly shuffled.
Finally, this material was badly translated into several languages successively. The resulting text, creationists feel, is the best guide to
this complex and technical subject.
Let it be understood that spirituality is a understanding of what is, in the presence of ignorance.
I think I finally understand "spirituality" thanks thetrueone
With respect Sab, that is a facial description of the 'parasite paradox' almost to the point of being a strawman.
I was not trying to describe a paradox. I was stating that at first glance, mosquitos don't seem to have a purpose other than biting humans. But upon further examination we find that their larva keep fish populations going. So anyone dependent on the fish need the mosquitoes. Paradoxes don't make for good debate.
Exactly what enabled a vicious little parasite to manipulate human body chemistry so as to alter the biting behavior of mosquitoes when it is ready for a new host? Do you think this was designed or do think it evolved?
What enabled it was the will to live which does come from God. But, God also is in the will to live in something that is worth more than the parasite. There is a real chain of existence that starts with one source. When I mow my lawn I am destroying massive life. I acknowledge the life lost and look at it as a fair trade. All life has an intrinsic will to live and if that will is strong enough the life will continue on. Will the critters in my lawn eventually revolt against me? If so then our wills will be tested.
When something is deemed a parasite it is identified as a threat in some form. That threat requires intelligence to make an informed decision as whether that threat is worth the death required to neutralize it. Do tape worms have rights? Yes, but human rights supercede them.
Since you do not understand that a typical 'layperson' CAN understand the basics, WITHOUT having to obtain a PhD in evolutionary biology, microbiology, biogenetics and other biological sciences, then you CANNOT make THIS statement with any degree of accuracy - or even contact with reality...
You say I don't know the basics and you are very wrong. I understand the basics of evolution and science in general. I'll read about the foundations of the science changing in discover magazine. Until then evolution is simple, very simple. I don't care much for the details that are constantly changing.
X = different matter than Y
X evolves as time progresses
X will eventually be Y
Y = different matter than X
Y evolves as time progresses
Y will eventually turn back to X
...and so on. The scientist class just magnify and expound the process, but foundations only change every so often. When that happens we are all supposed to adjust course in our understanding. We are in the midst of a huge course adjustment and people are taking their agression out on the idea they have of God in their head. Entities like the Watchtower greatly aided the prejudice that many people feel towards God in general.
If God ever comes down to us I will shake his hand, not put him on trial. I am greatful for the opportunity to have a good life.
And you never really answered my question: Would you end all life on this planet if you could painlessly? You said that we will do it ourselves, but that could take 500 years and many baby deaths. You could just end it all right now, painlessly. Do you press the button and destroy us all?
"And you never really answered my question: Would you end all life on this planet if you could painlessly? You said that we will do it ourselves, but that could take 500 years and many baby deaths. You could just end it all right now, painlessly. Do you press the button and destroy us all?..."
Geez, that is a TOTALLY moronic question that could ONLY come from the mind of a worshipper of a death-oriented, Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern nomadic males' volcano 'gawd' - who has supposedly committed genocide [according to legend] several times in the past, thru 'his/its' followers HAS committed genocide several times in the past, AND promises to do so in the future, too... But I'll answer it anyway...
There is no justifiable (Godly) love in the biological evolution of earth's species.
I would see your point if I didn't believe in an afterlife, karma and reincarnation. At that point all energy is working towards a singular goal and therefore all energy is just. But that doesn't mean we just sit back and watch, we have to expend the energy. The more good or more evil you are as a person will generate more energy and move us closer to the end. There is a quote in the TV show LOST that I like. It's "It only ends once, anything that happens before that is just progress." There is love in the will to move forward, tsetse flies or no tsetse flies.
Now answer my question....
"And you are aware of the fact that the earth "didn't start out with 'land and sea'...", are you?? Well, then what DID it start out with - for the first THREE BILLION YEARS or so, while we're at it...??"
And the answer is?