Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you

by jam 210 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Do as you wish my dear.

    And Jam your kids are doing an amazing job with their kids. I'm glad you're proud of them.

  • goodbye

    I agree with CE. I am a mother and have raised kids. No need to hit.

  • jam

    Thank you mrs J.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Hmm, perhaps there is a chance for this thread after all... thanks, goodbye.

    Btw, I don't think clarifying my statements is beating a dead horse. That was all I was trying to do.

  • mrsjones5

    Was is a mature woman of about 50+ and her daughter is finishing up with college so she's about 22 or more so yeah you're beating a dead horse with Was.

    But hey, do me a favor and go over to my thread about my son. I could use your vast knowledge about how to raise an autistic child.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Was did not understand one of my posts. I was just trying to explain it better. How is that beating a dead horse.

    What the heck are you talking about? I just said I didn't know anything about being a parent. What are you saying all that for? You're acting like I'm trying to tell everyone exactly how to raise their kids. I'm just arguing ONE point while admmiting ignorance in virtually every other area. Why do you keep making fun of me? What am I doing wrong?

  • mrsjones5

    Just ribbing ya

    But seriously, I'm gonna call a spade a spade here. You are telling people how to raise their kids and you are passing judgement on folks who quite frankly you know nothing about. I've already been negated as a bad parent by you (and a few others on this thread) in so many words because I confessed to spanking my kids at one time. If you're gonna say it the adult thing to do would be to own it.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    I said that I was sure that you were a good parent. Good parents can do wrong things at times, correct? Especially new parents. It is my very strong opinion that spanking a kid is abhorently wrong. I said I was sure your kids are fine. They sound smart and nice.

    But I don't think that it makes spanking ok.

  • Retrovirus

    I copped a few "spankings" and boxes on the ear as a child and was determined it would be different for my kids. Explained this very clearly to my mother and also to my children.

    Then when eldest child was four, I overheard her pushing the boundaries with her grandma. Grandma was becoming quite annoyed, and daughter reminded her that smacking was not an option. Grandma replied sweetly "I know dear, but I'm an old lady - and I might forget!


  • mrsjones5

    I didn't spank my children when they were babies. I didnt even spank them when they were toddlers because they were babies. So the new parent assumption is out the window CE. I know the circumstances and I know the reasons. Since you weren't there you can only assume.

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