The question has been raised about hitting a child/toddler baby? VS hitting an adult. I want to raise another question: What about hitting/beating a puppy or a dog? Most of the spankers out there probably would hesitate to beat their dog. Why are kids worth less?
When we got a puppy we bought a book about German Shepard dogs and how to train them. We learned that positive reinforcement works MUCH better than other methods, however, CONSISTANCY is crucial. Why would anyone be more patient with a mere animal than their own child??????
Turns out that our male dog was terribly willful. He would not obey even if he knew EXACTLY what the command was. We almost got rid of him because he started to get aggressive. We decided to use what he loves and hates to train him. He loves food, so EACH and EVERY time he obeys he gets a small treat. He HATES being alone so EACH and EVERY time he disobeyed he was scolded and put in isolation in our laundry room for an hr.
He has not disobeyed in so long I can't remember. Why don't parents put at least as much time and effort in reading parenting books and taking classes as people do with dogs? When parents are pushed or tired they revert to what is easy. I know because I was guilty of this myself. Thankfully, I realized my children were worth the investment of time, patience and consistancy. I abandoned the literal rod and substituted consistantly withholding what they wanted when the behavior was unsuitable. They could predict with a certanity what the consequences would be if they disobeyed. Along with this ,there was praise (lots of praise) affection, and yes, REWARDS for doing the right things.
Parents are the adults. It is up to them to be smarter and wiser than their kids. Parenthood is NOT for sissys or bullys!