: The books study conductor then asks, "What kind of watchman would you want? One that is easily distracted and lethargic or one who is attentive and alert?"
: The response was they wanted the attentive and alert one.
Ok. The first question is legitamit. If one hires say, a night watchman, one doesn't want one who is inattentive (easily distracted) or lethargic (sleepy and lazy.)
: He then asks, "Who is the watchman today?"
: Someone answers, "The faithful and discreet slave."
Just like that, huh? Did any dub bother to ask, "how do we know the faithful and discreet slave is the anointed remnant (or more preciesly, the governing body)? If such a dub would research the answer to that question, said dub would find the answer, "we know we are the faithful and discreet slave because we know we are the faithful and discreet slave. Or in otherwords, "because we say we are, that's why."
That's circular reasoning: "We're the faithful and discreet slave because we say we are." Duh!
The entire argument falls at this point, but Mr. Study Conducter and Ms. and Mr. dubbies blindly following the next line of "reasoning" as if this argument actually has any merit:
: "Now, if this watchman saw dust kicking up way in the distance, even though he couldn't see what was causing the dust to stir, would you want him to sound the alarm or would you want him to wait and see until it got close enough?"
: The conductor's wife answers, "We'd want him to sound it immediately even if it's a false alarm. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Any ancient night watchman who sounded the alarm, woke up the armies and got them ready for action over a simple dust storm, not once but many, many times would be summarily executed, or at least ridiculed out of the country. Yet, the dumb dubbies in this book study are about to BRAG about such idiocy!
: And today, people try to say that we are false prophets because of, say, the 1914 thing.
No, people don't TRY to say you are false prophets, people DO say you are false prophets. Why? Because you ARE false prophets, you nitwits! NONE of your "prophecies" have come true. NONE.
: But the faithful and discreet slave were just trying to sound a warning because it could have meant the lives of those involved.
The faithful and discreet slave didn't just TRY to send warnings, you moron. They DID send warnings and those false warnings weren't benign ones that just "could" have meant the lives of those involved, they actually COST the lives of those involved. Let's try blood transfusions, organ transplants, alternative military service, "don't marry or have children until after Armageddon," psychiatry is demonized, and countless suicides and destroyed families and marriages over idiotic disfellowshiping laws. Since most of these policies have changed that means they were wrong to begin with. That translates into MURDER or at least unnecessary MANSLAUGHTER at the very least. I will NOT let these criminals slip away or try to obscure the facts because they were false "watchman."
: So, we should appreciate that they are eager to help us, even though at times they may be wrong. They are really just trying to take precautions just in case danger may be in the horizon."
"So, we should appreciate that Hitler and Stalin was eager to help us, even though at times they may have been wrong." Bullshit! The Watchtower society's road of "good intentions" is littered with dead bodies all along the road. Dead bodies who did not have to be dead bodies.
: "Exactly!" (Gee! Do you think they studied together??? LOL!)
Think again, bubba.
: "Now, does the Society hold back from telling us any new light or new developments or do they wait for some time to pass?"
: Someone comments, "They tell us immediately!"
Presumptuousness is condemned in the Bible, or do those folks ever actually bother to read the Bible? Thought not.
: "So, we should be happy that they love and care for the flock."
Translation: they were wrong. They had good intentions. People died because they were wrong. Therefore they CARE about us. We should be happy that people died because they were wrong, because at least they TRIED.
What Court of Law in any civilized part of the Universe would accept that horseshit as a defense?