by Mister Biggs 80 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby
    gumby still baffles me how "I"....could not SEE things as I do now, for soooooo long! That bothers me! I thought I was brighter than that.

  • KistByQpid

    Cool Breeze,

    Your writing style reads like you either swallowed a King James bible, or you just blew Bill Shakespear's corpse.
    LMAO!!! What a visual I just got!
  • bluesapphire

    Uh Ernesto, I mean YoYo, I mean SexyTurd! NOTHING you say has any credibility anymore. And since you're df'd shouldn't you be over at some meeting getting yourself shunned already?

  • YoYoMama

    Are you obsessed with me? Need a spanking?

  • TheOldHippie

    Is this whole, long thread the result of what THE WIFE of ONE STUDY CONDUCTOR replied to his question?
    Man, are we concerned with the GREAT and IMPORTANT questions in life!

  • SixofNine
    Man, are we concerned with the GREAT and IMPORTANT questions in life!

    Comparatively speaking, yes, we (people who care enough to leave) ARE concerned with the GREAT and IMPORTANT questions in life. That is in contrast with smug JW's who don't care enough to leave.

    I know you from witnet, OldHippie. Your life progress or lack thereof dissapoints me greatly. It's not as if you had something great to hang onto. And if you have given yourself the great freedom to think (or rather, wrestled it away from those idiots in brooklyn) work your ass off to give that same freedom to all JW's.

    See the right thing, do it. It's not that hard. Your organization is a flawed lie, leave it. It's not that hard.

  • Amazing

    Hi Mr. Biggs: Excellent post. It is startling to see the logic of JWs. You concluded about not wanting 80 or 90 year old men being your watchman.

    Most of these men have been on the 'watch' since they were 30 or 40 years old ... but the results of their 'watchfulness' is always the same. I am not sure that 'age' is the problem as much as they are simply 'blind' watchmen ... the blind leading the blind ... and they both fall into the ditch.

    Although, if on a military mission, I would want a watchman or watchwoman to be in good physical condition ... good eyesight ... trained to understand what to look for, and not guess at dust clouds ... but have the understanding and equipment necessary to detect what was ahead. I suppose that younger most often equates to better health and eyesight ... and somewhat old equates to training and experience ... so maybe a good combination is what makes sense.

    Christ made it clear that it is our individual responsibility to be on the watch ... not for the Last Days, but primarily for false prophets ... and perhaps more than any single proof of fraud, the Watchtower is a proven false prophet. Thanks again for sharing your Bookd Study experience.

  • Solace

    There is a big difference between a watchman sounding an alarm and saying "We should beware, there may be danger" and a watchman saying, "We must beware, armageddon is comming on this day in 1975, those living now will never perish, put in more hours, blah, blah, blah".

  • sf

    "It's a long way from being God's mouthpiece and claiming Divine direction to watching for dust on the horizon. Hahahaha"

    Awww, but Gary, that dust they are WITNESSING stirring up is caused by the huge "freight train" that is coming their way...right for the Tower Walls. Are they prepared for "It's" force?

    sKally, blow me down klass (be quiet anton)

    and remember WATCHTOWER kids:

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • JT

    Gravedancxeer says:

    The watchmen with seeing-eye dogs do a superlative job. Please don't be so critical...if you want to help please send treats for the dogs.



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