Why do people pretend good things about Jesus ?

by mP 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    You don't have something specific?

    Of course I do. Your claims that Jesus was against slavery. You are making his words say what it isn't there through interpretation and addition is front and center.

    The same generalization could be made of anyone, including you.

    Your turn to provide an example.

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Hmmm....no mention of slavery.

    What some here fail to understand is that if a person understood love (had love and light within them)... then all else would follow.

    What some here fail to understand is that simply saying a scripture says something doesn't make it so.

    Saying that Christ condoned enslaving one's fellow man is extrapolation (and reading into the text what you want)... and it goes against the golden rule, love, and his teaching that we should SERVE one another.

    The golden rule was from the lying scribes.

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    The golden rule was from the lying scribes.

    LOL...and they stole it from Buddha

  • mP


    Why do you assign all moral loving kindness to Jesus when you have a such hard time justifying it using his biography ? Why not simply say someone else was equally good, someone who actually deserves it without all the lies and word games ?

  • EntirelyPossible

    LOL...and they stole it from Buddha

    Or Egypt, or Greece or the the Babylonians....

  • tec

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL....lies ABOUT him? He is not real.

    You don't believe in Him.

    Doesn't make him any less real.

    you haven't clarified how they are sick.

    Metaphor, Still.

    "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."

    He came for those who needed Him.

    Why do you assign all moral loving kindness to Jesus when you have a such hard time justifying it using his biography ? Why not simply say someone else was equally good, someone who actually deserves it without all the lies and word games ?

    I don't have a hard time 'justifying' it. You have a hard time seeing it.

    I can also think Christ was loving... and also Ghandi. Both deserve it. Me stating that Christ was loving does not imply in any way that no one else can be?



  • mP

    mP: Why do you assign all moral loving kindness to Jesus when you have a such hard time justifying it using his biography ? Why not simply say someone else was equally good, someone who actually deserves it without all the lies and word games ?


    I don't have a hard time 'justifying' it. You have a hard time seeing it.

    I can also think Christ was loving... and also Ghandi. Both deserve it. Me stating that Christ was loving does not imply in any way that no one else can be?


    mP: You never actually gave an answer why Jesus didnt criticize slavery ? You seem extremely slippery, giving us all sorts of excuses and perspectives on the time but never actually giving an answer about Jesus position of lack thereof ? Forgetting everyone else and all the barstards out there that would have done it anyway, how do you explain such a wise person such as jesus not taking the opportunity to be a revolutionary and address this evil ?

    Your logic is sad, your like the JW who sees a pedophile and does nothing, after all they arent guilty of anything right ?

  • tec

    I have given answers. That you cannot or do not accept them... means what to me? You are the one making an accusation against someone, slandering them with other things as well, with nothing to back you up except conjecture and ill-intent. You have compared Christ to Hitler; you have claimed that he is evil. Someone who forgave all, showed mercy to all, gave to and cared for the poor and the downtrodden, taught mercy and love and forgiveness, taught his followers to do the same, and to serve one another. Yeah... evil incarnate there.

    Your logic is sad, your like the JW who sees a pedophile and does nothing, after all they arent guilty of anything right ?

    That is one of the most disgusting things I've seen said around here. Unfortunately, it suits you and your 'way' of seeing things.

    Fortunately, what you think of me means absolutely nothing to me. Considering how you see evil in Christ and don't mind slandering people... I'm gonna consider it a compliment that you would also see evil in me.



  • EntirelyPossible

    Your logic is sad, your like the JW who sees a pedophile and does nothing, after all they arent guilty of anything right ?

    That was over the top.

  • mP

    mP: Your logic is sad, your like the JW who sees a pedophile and does nothing, after all they arent guilty of anything right ?


    That is one of the most disgusting things I've seen said around here. Unfortunately, it suits you and your 'way' of seeing things.


    Not quite if someone asks me something i try and answer them without playing word games.


    Fortunately, what you think of me means absolutely nothing to me. Considering how you see evil in Christ and don't mind slandering people... I'm gonna consider it a compliment that you would also see evil in me.

    I never accused you of anything, i was highlighting how evil can arrise from doing nothing knowing. I never said you did anything wrong. Read the text carefully dont try and pretend i accused you of anything.

  • cofty

    Tammy - You actually didn't answer my question of how 250 000 years of human suffering could be the fault of other humans. You just brushed it aside with some vague reference to a "fall".

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