Ive had a few discussions both here and in real life and often find people excuse the OT with all its vile, violence and only concentrate on Jesus because he was good. I try and assk them to show me an example and they of course they quickly tell us about the miracles, and thats fine. However when you ask them about slavery, violence, women and so on they make excuses. They really really believe he was a peaceful person, even after you show them several scriptures like where he advocates violence in Matthew or where he knowingly allows Peter and others to carry their swords on the night of his arrest ? I appreciate there are a lot of people who want to believe, but dont they realise they are only lying to themselves and the truth in the real world is simply not there ?
Why do people make and accept good things about Jesus but always have excuses for him. With slavery they say that was the norm in those times and yet they still argue he was revolutionary with his ideas of love. They of course never can explain why he failed to see or comment about this evil.