Doesn't it warm the cockles of your heart to believe they are being comforted......awwwww.....lovely. What a loving caring god. Praise Jah!
Why do people pretend good things about Jesus ?
by mP 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
King Solomon
Ah, so I see we're kicking the ol' theodicy can around a bit now, too? 3,000 yrs later, and you all don't have it solved? :)
No... it is the fault of mankind around him.
Just like it's the fault of the mankind around the slaves for their being enslaved, and the fault of mankind for the rape victims being victimized, etc. It's not like the Son of Man MIGHT have said something as a stop-gap measure, until Armageddon? Huh, must've slipped his mind...
So Tammy, let me see if I got it straight: you're saying, God = Good, Man = Bad? Gotcha.
Absolutely pointless, dealing with a nihilist Xian apologist. Imagine having to worship a God who is THAT cruel, in order to save your own neck (and then having it all be a big lie, anyway)! What a dreadful, bleak architecture someone's soul would have to become, in order to think like that!!
Hey, NC, didya ever see the thread I started for you yesterday? :)
No---what thread?
King Solomon
I bumped it to the top (called the meaning of life, revealed)
People believe he taught them...I don't believe this.
Obviously you don't believe this. That does not make it so.
Just because they want it to be true...does not make it so. But if people need this delusion to inspire them to be loving and help....go for it. Sad...but I guess some people don't know how to be loving without an imaginary god guiding them.
So judgmental.
There are many things that can inspire a person to be loving. (often BEING loved in the first place) I cannot imagine judging someone for what or whom has taught them to love.
Tammy - How can 250 000 years of human suffering be the fault of other humans?
When the whole known world was starving together, when people died of diseases that are now trivial, when many women died in childbirth, when people died of impacted wisdom teeth or an infected cut finger, when nobody knew anything about the plight of their neighbours in the next valley and could do nothing to help if they did - during all those millennia, what did your loving god do to help?
NC, people who suffer do find strength in God and Christ. Sometimes He is their only faith and hope. Some people do not allow them to have or keep that faith or hope... but that does not change that when they had faith in Him, they also had strength and hope and comfort.
All those pictures show man's inhumanity to man.
Just like it's the fault of the mankind around the slaves for their being enslaved, and the fault of mankind for the rape victims being victimized, etc. It's not like the Son of Man MIGHT have said something as a stop-gap measure, until Armageddon? Huh, must've slipped his mind...
He did. His teachings and example do this very thing. That you choose not to see this... is upon you. That others DO see this... show that it can be and IS understood.
Absolutely pointless, dealing with a nihilist Xian apologist.
Well who is the fool who keeps persisting in a pointless act then, lol?
I 'worship' by following the teachings of Christ. Helping others; loving others; forgiving others who wrong me, showing mercy. That is worship. I do it out of love... and not for a reward, or to 'save my neck'. Perhaps those were your reasons when you believed... they are not mine.
When the whole known world was starving together, when people died of diseases that are now trivial, when many women died in childbirth, when people died of impacted wisdom teeth or an infected cut finger, when nobody knew anything about the plight of their
neighbours in the next valley and could do nothing to help if they did - during all those millennia, what did your loving god do to help?
Suffering in the physical world (natural disaster, disease, death) are all part of the physical world. (you want to get into all of that again...the fall and such?)
Suffering at the hands of man... is the fault of man's inhumanity to man.
King Solomon
How can 250 000 years of human suffering be the fault of other humans?
Not to mention those humans who've died of natural disasters, familes triggered by drought, disease, pestilence, volcanoes, floods, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.
Man's fault, all of it, huh? NOT God's, but man's?