Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't know about ya'll, but if I had 200,000,000, I'd be payin it forward. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Mitt's dad pay it forward right into Mitt's wallet?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Seriously if you tell a lie often enough, even Sam Whiskey will believe it.

    LOL well played

  • BizzyBee

    Release the hounds.......

  • BizzyBee

    It is amazing to me how Republicans think they know what other people are thinking.

    How would Mitt R-money know what poor people think or feel?

  • BizzyBee

    Of the 47 percent of Americans who pay no federal income tax, two-thirds pay federal payroll tax. Most of them aren’t making a lot of money; a couple with two children has to earn less than $26,400 to pay no income tax. Altogether, only a tenth of Americanspay no federal tax, and most who pay neither income nor payroll tax are retirees.

    Mr. Romney’s vision of the country, in other words, is a fantasy. He believes that 47 percent of Americans “are dependent upon government . . . believe the government has a responsibility to care for them . . . that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.” This is dramatically out of touch with how hard most middle-class people work and how hard they find it to make ends meet. Half of all American households — households, not individuals — earn $50,000 or less, and the official poverty line for a family of four is a meager $23,021.

    Ironically, $50,000 was the cost per plate at this dinner.

  • bluesaph

    Talked to mom yesterday. She's been voting ReTHUGlican for 20 years. Yesterday she said, "Romney WILL NOT get my vote!!!"

    She hates him. She told me, "I like Obama."

    She lives in Nevada and has a gazillion friends. I asked her if that is how most of her friends feel. Yep!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    @ bluesaph - Very cool!

    JamesWoods said: " He (Romney) actually did not say a single thing that is not the obvious & actual truth."

    Um, no, actually he said quite a few things that weren't true. But we've learned from your posting history that honest research isn't your forte.

    My daughter falls into the category of someone who works hard, but doesn't make enough money to pay income tax. It's deducted from her check but she gets that exact amount (and no more) refunded each year. The next time she comes home exhausted, with sore feet, aching back and burns on her arms from working a 10-hour shift as a line cook, I'll be sure and let her know that she feels entitled and victimized.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Sam said:

    You all are just jealous. If you had half the sense Mitt has to run a business the way he has, you'd be rich too. And don't try to deny it, it won't work.

    You wouldn't want all those millions Mitt's got? Sure you would...

    Hell, yeah, I would! Vulture capitalism is apparently a lucrative line of businss to be in (that is, if you can withstand the image of being a vulture). I'm sure I COULD soothe my guilty conscience by spending on luxuries purchased using funds generated by all the "little people: I screwed over. As the old saying in the building trades goes, after botching a repair and then patching it in a hasty, sloppy manner: "Ooops! Can't see it from my house, though...."

    And that's the POINT:people with a $200 mil net worth do NOT believe in redistribution of THEIR wealth, once they've GOT it (unless there are billionaires that they can redistribute FROM), although apparently they WERE quite willing at one point for others to redistribute THEIR wealth to them in order to amass THEIR personal fortunes.

    (And I know that's a loose definition of the term, but the point remains that those who have aren't willing to give it up: you don't get that rich by giving $$$ away. The wealthy are some of the tight-fisted people you have even met, and they got that way BY being tight-fisted).

    The other big difference: I'm not running for POTUS, where you have to appeal to the electorate, where relatability, character, and charisma is a large part of getting hired for the gig. He's running, not me. He made a prior decision to be a vulture, but now doesn't want to pay the price of that prior decision. Oh, well.... Not my fault he didn't consider the political liability of a choice he made decades ago.

    Funny bit here is, Mitt completely lost any possible "but you're playing class warfare!" defense, when HE himself used the approach in the video when speaking to a wealthy audience. So let's hear Mitzy tap out a song with his silver spoons on his knees!

  • bluesaph

    Same with all three of my college student daughters. Two of them work two jobs. The third works 6 days a week or more.

    All of them fall below the point where they owe Federal Taxes each year. NONE of them have ever received food stamps or anything.

    Entitled little biatches, they are!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    " NONE of them have ever received food stamps or anything."

    Same here, but I did go on unemployment after she was born when my JW employer backed out of an agreement to let me work at home until she was six months old. So I guess I, too, was in the "47%" that year. Oh, the shame!

    And good job, bluesaph, for instilling a strong work ethic in your children. Who knew Democrats actually worked?!

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