Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • BizzyBee

    Strangely chilling, don't you think?

  • NewChapter

    Maybe he can get a job with FOX now. For a man that has been running for president for years, he sure is stupid.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    BB said:

    "I do not believe in redistribution of wealth."

    This is a bald-face lie. He clearly believes in redistributing wealth upwards.

    Sorry, but I don't think Mittens is lying.

    Remember: Mitt's got 200 million good reasons ($200 mil, his net worth) to strongly reject the concept of redistribution of wealth, and in allowing wealth to become HIGHLY-concentrated.

  • kurtbethel

    He got wealth, while people lost jobs and companies went bankrupt, as they lost wealth. That is what redistribution of wealth is, and his business model depends on that redistribution. It works really well for him.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    You all are just jealous. If you had half the sense Mitt has to run a business the way he has, you'd be rich too. And don't try to deny it, it won't work.

    You wouldn't want all those millions Mitt's got? Sure you would...

  • NewChapter

    I envy absolutely nothing that Romney has. If such wealth makes a person as insensitive, clueless, and hateful as he is, it doesn't interest me. Ask anyone in my life---I don't care for wealth. I measure success by many things---and Romney is a huge failure in my eyes. Nothing in the world could make me want to be the kind of person he is.

  • NewChapter

    I envy absolutely nothing that Romney has. If such wealth makes a person as insensitive, clueless, and hateful as he is, it doesn't interest me. Ask anyone in my life---I don't care for wealth. I measure success by many things---and Romney is a huge failure in my eyes. Nothing in the world could make me want to be the kind of person he is.

  • ziddina

    Speaking of insensitive and cruel, even though they have so much money...

    Funny that Mitt and family couldn't afford to have a veterinarian look at their poor dog, instead of strapping the animal to the top of the car where it would become even more dehydrated after suffering from diarreah...

  • kurtbethel

    You all are just jealous. If you had half the sense Mitt has to run a business the way he has, you'd be rich too. And don't try to deny it, it won't work.

    You wouldn't want all those millions Mitt's got? Sure you would...

    I am not jealous. I would not enjoy having millions if I had bankrupted a perfectly good company and put so many people out of work. I have a different ethical system than Mitt does and it would make me ill in the pit of my stomach because I would look at my fine house and belongings and I would never be able to push out the thought of the people who had less and were suffering because of my actions.

    I would enjoy it if I produced books and films that people really enjoyed and I earned a lot from that. Or if I invented something that enabled any homeowner to plug into a box I invented and go off the grid, making their lives better and providing jobs and opportunity. I would like that a lot, but such is not how Mitt does business. He destroys those types of businesses and strip mines any value they have.

    As for the "stuff", I hit a wall with the amount of stuff I possed a few years ago and have been getting rid of things. I feel lighter and freer with less stuff. A well stocked account that I could tap for travel expenses and experiences is all I desire for myself, and about enough stuff to carry in a bag, and I like occasional access to a decent sized telescope once a month or so.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Seriously if you tell a lie often enough, even Sam Whiskey will believe it.

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