What would I have liked to have seen Obama do?
1 - Immediate speech denouncing the riots.
2 - Summoning of all ambassadors for countries experiencing anti US riots with a warning of the removal of aid and military support, effective immediately unless those responsible were punished, better protection put in place and an immediate political response by said countries to show what they would do to promote pro-US sentiment and stop such blatant and disgusting bahaviour.
3 - Speech to US public and for world consumption on the paramount importance of freedom of speech but not freedom to riot. That the freedom to say what you want is lost the moment that violence is used. Those who disrespect the US and ignore the immense aid it bestows upon the world, those who treat liberty and freedom as western diseases to be eradicated by religious jihad and mob rule will be henceforth receive immediate and total justice. Citizens of the US and her allies will be defended at all costs. No longer will the US stand idly by while ignorant , hate filled jihadists trample all over the freedom of the civilised world.
4 - Full scale investment programme designed to make the US totally energy self sufficient. The days when the US was forced to take an interest in the Middle East simply because of oil should cease.
5 - Change in US policy RE Arab Spring. No further US support for anyone in the region.
6 - Full and Immediate pull out from Afghanistan, Iraq and middle east areas. Let the taliban take them back to the stone age. No more US blood spilt for romantic idealism. No more aid money wasted.
7 - Bolster support for Israel as a bulwark against the Islamic states. Return to a full political discourse with the US's real allies (put the bloody bust of Churchill back in the Oval office) start regularly talking of how important the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan etc. are. Open up new trade routes exclusive only to approved states. Start spending overseas aid on allies not enemies. Recognise forcefully those who have earned US respect.
8 - Those responsible for the original film should receive police protection.
9 - Full public discussion on what laws should be enacted to constrain religious extremism within the US( the Westbro situation went on far too long and was tolerated far too much - what they did was not freedom of speech but they set out intentionally to attend places of grieving and ferment hatred. - The video made about Mohammed however, was not enforceably played during Ramadan or in any way that decided whether it was consumed or not.) I would like to see Freedom of Speech but also a Freedom from Coercion to hear - i.e. you can print, produce in media, speak in given agreed speach making places, broadcast or apply for a permit to hold a demonstration but you cannot say whatever you want anywhere you want since that infringes upon others rights to not have to hear your opinions.
These failing states are riddled with religious extremism. They are parasites upon the world leaching away the West's hard won gains. The US has gradually surrendered its internal freedoms, let itself be drawn into one sided unending wars, spent a fortune on bribes and munitions. At some point it has to stop and the realisation has to be reached that Islam and Arabic culture itself is to blame for the retarded societies. If Islam is ever going to win respect in the world it has to start solving problems rather than causing them. If Islamic states wish to help the Palestinians they can do so with food, aid, responsible governance.