Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • botchtowersociety

    Yeah, #9 is unworkable. WBC has already had their rights upheld in court. There's nothing we can do about it.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    WBC has already had their rights upheld in court. There's nothing we can do about it.

    Dunno if you read the ruling, but WBC was noted for their respect of the law in conducting their protests, even as a model for other protesters to follow.

  • HappyDad

    I agree with Romney. I have worked for everything I have today. You must be one of the ones who think everything is owed to you at the expense of the working class. People who believe in ENTITLEMENT are useless in this world. If you can't work because of health or disabilaty.....then that is different. I know too many people who can do something but choose to live off of every working man and woman in this country.

    I have been involved in volunteer work with the food bank and have seen dozens of people come for freebees who spend most of their money in bars and the "poker machines". And you think I should take care of these useless freeloaders?

    Why should my money that I worked for over 50 years for support teenage baby factories? Oh yeah......have a baby and get assistance........have two babies and get more assistance!

    Maybe this is your mindset but how long do you think it will last before it runs out? I will be long dead and not have to worry but people who think the "guvament" will always take care of them are in for a rude awakening.


  • james_woods

    The problem with the Romney statement is that it is simply the truth that many people do not want to hear.

  • Qcmbr

    Yes I know that the Westbrook Baptist church fulfills current law - this law is failing the public badly and so needs to change. It should be illegal to protest at certain private moments for example. Freedom of speech should not be used as a cover for forcing people to hear your views. That people have to take another route to avoid them makes me want to vomit. Freedom to speak should be allowed within certain confines so allowing anyone who wishes to be exposed to elect to. This sort of law protects both the speaker and the hearer allowing both the ability to seek each other out.

    When you extend adult responsibilities and freedoms to juveniles the results are often disastrous because an important part of maturity is learning boundaries to behaviour. States that are still politically and socially juvenile cannot simply be given bags of wheat, a trunk full of dollars, a puppet leader and then be begged to be nice. Islam andArabian culture has to grow up and be allowed to make its own mistakes. Radical Islams main lifeblood is the twin policies of appeasement and interference. If our neighbour was having problems with his kids we wouldn't dare to presume that we have a right to walk in the front door, decide what groceries he has, forcibly lend him a tenner and slip his kids fifty quid for pizzas, fix his leaky plumbing, decide what TV he has on and to wax lyrical about how he should use 1-2-3 parenting techniques with his kids - and then baseball bat him when he tries to throw you out. Countries are the same. Kuwait yes. Everything else nononono.

  • botchtowersociety
    Freedom of speech should not be used as a cover for forcing people to hear your views.

    QCMBR, I know your heart is in the right place, but without freedom to speak in the public arena, there is no freedom of speech. Yes, WBC is detestable. However, having to tolerate it is the price we have to pay. We cannot simply decide who gets to speak, and who does not, based on the content of the speech.

  • sir82
    The problem with the Romney statement is that it is simply the truth that many people do not want to hear.

    Really? It is an indisputable fact that 47% of Americans view themselves as victims?

    How did you reach that conclusion?

  • designs

    What Romney, as the newly converted Tea Bagger, tries to claim is this faux notion that individualism exists magically outside of a functioning interconnected civilization. Everything, and I mean everything Bain & Company did involved the benefits of a interconnected civilization and government, especially government tax codes which they stretched to the limit and in some cases broke.

  • botchtowersociety
    What Romney, as the newly converted Tea Bagger, tries to claim is this faux notion that individualism exists magically outside of a functioning interconnected civilization.

    No he doesn't.

  • botchtowersociety

    Incidentally, Mother Jones claims they released the complete tape. They did not. They are lying. They intentionally edited out about 1-2 minutes of audio immediately after Romney made the 47% comment. They released it in two parts to obscure the fact that they did so. They are deliberately withholding this context.

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