Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • NewChapter

    So Romney had to rip Obamacare apart for the primaries, and now he is proudly announcing that he is the grandfather of Obamacare. He is bragging that when he put in Romneycare every child was insured and that was a very good thing! (I agree). So he supports Obamacare! It's a wonderful thing that get's children the healthcare they deserve. He is a friend to Obamacare. Again, if conservatives bother to leave their house on election day, it will be to vote for a third party candidate.

    He no longer wants Hispanics to self-deport! Sounds like he'd like to give them a green card with their dipolomas.

    Romney is becoming Obama. Remember when he let it slip that he would keep the pre-existing condition rules in the health care plan? I think the sky fell that day, but now he is even acting like a grand daddy.

    It should be interesting to watch how his Ohio trip turns out. So many of us are in the 47%! Welcome, Mitt. Time to face the music.

  • FlyingHighNow


  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm dead serious about the underwear. And the attitude towards women, people who are not wealthy, his promise to stop health care reform. This new 47% commentary. At first it was worrisome that he is a cult member. Then as he reveals who he is and what he's about it gets much worse. I think he's a social Darwinist.

  • designs

    Mitt is Chameleon man, one can only guess what goes through the mind of Paul Ryan these days.

  • Qcmbr

    KS normally your posts are well thought out and factually correct but you clearly haven't researched the symbolism of temple garments for LDS ( they symbolise the covenants made in the temple , the priesthood and the first clothing given to Adam and Eve).

    As an atheist , as NC pointed out , I find all religious symbols and practices as forms of superstitious magic thinking however, i think these are very weak reasons to avoid voting for someone. No one would think twice about voting for a Catholic despite the very strange clothing worn by the Pope and his priests, the current debacle over child abuse, opus dei, financial scandals in the Vatican, Nazi links, crusades, past papal excesses, the infallibility of the pope, the ability of the pope to issue papal bulls supposedly binding on all Catholics and the blatant political power held by catholic clergy now and historically. Mormonism is wrong, it's got wacky beliefs but nowhere near as many as Catholicism , it has some strange ( to outsiders ) temple rituals akin to Masonic rituals that it keeps secret by designating them as sacred but it's rituals are no stranger than the Catholic rituals. All Mormonism has against it is that it hasn't had long enough to be fully integrated into the western world such that it can be practised without raising fairly silly insinuations that something is amiss while not raising similar questions about highly ritualised religions such as Catholicism , Judaism and Islam.

    FHN - you are a simple religious hypocrite. Your so precious about being nice as long as being nice just means giving you a pass. Hopefully you'll reread your words and have pause to reflect that you have said nothing about Mitt the politician but plenty about your obvious simple dislike of Mormonism.

  • kurtbethel

    A woman visiting Salt Lake City in the latter half of the 18th century sees someone that she thinks may be Brigham Young, the leader of the Mormon church.

    Woman: "Are you Brigham Young?"

    Brigham Young: "I am."

    Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young that is the head of the Mormon church?"

    Brigham Young: "I am."

    Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young that led the Mormons to Utah?"

    Brigham Young: "I am."

    Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young that denounces all Christian religions as false except Mormonism?"

    Brigham Young: "I am."

    About this time, the woman is beginning to lose her temper.

    Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young who preaches polygamy?"

    Brigham Young: "I am."

    Now she's really getting mad.

    Woman: "Are you the Brigham Young who has 26 wives?"

    Brigham Young: "I am."

    Then furiously, she says -

    Woman: "You ought to be Hung!"

    Brigham Young: "I am."

    Captain Moroni

  • Qcmbr

    Lol - BY was a dangerous nutter, now if he was running for president everyone would have a perfect right to be running scared.

  • designs

    Based on Romney's 180s he's done lately he could be a Baptist before Election Day if he thought it would get him elected.

  • designs

    Romney's 'those people' effectively ended his argument against the President of 'class warfare'.

  • designs

    How come Romney didn't try Spray.A.Tan for his speech at the NAACP

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