Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Although I'm not a fan of either candidate, after reading this I'd love to see Obama snuff that elitist piece of crap. Instead of shaking his hand just crack that phony and lay him out on national tv.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    I realize that Romney was pandering to a specific demographic at this event, but you would think he would refrain from insulting vast segments of his voting base while doing so.

    He's certainly living up to BO's assessment of shooting first, and aiming later. Need we mention Summer Olympics, the Libya incident, and now this? You'd think the taste of his foot must be pretty good to him, the way he always sticks it in his mouth....

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

  • BizzyBee

    Mitt wants to be president for 53% of the country and dick over the rest.

    I don't think so.

  • NewChapter

    Romney told the contributors that "women are open to supporting me," but that "we are having a much harder time with Hispanic voters, and if the Hispanic voting bloc becomes as committed to the Democrats as the African American voting block has in the past, why, we're in trouble as a party and, I think, as a nation."

    I found this pretty interesting. We are in trouble as a nation because African Americans vote their interest, and Hispanics could go the same way.

    Shines more light on the voter suppression laws that target these very people.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Romney joking about his heritage

    My heritage, my dad as you probably know was the governor of Michigan and was the head of a car company. But he was born in Mexico, and, uh, had he been born of, uh, Mexican parents, I'd have a better shot at winning this. [Rich donors cracking up]
    But he was unfortunately born to Americans living in Mexico. He lieved there for a number of years. And, uh, uh, I say that jokingly, but it would be helpful to be, uh ... Latino.

  • NewChapter

    Lawrence O'Donnell brought out that his donors wouldn't be chuckling over the warm and quaint story that his grandfather fled to Mexico cuz he wanted to keep his 5 wives. *warm chuckles*

  • BizzyBee

    How much hate would someone have to have towards Obama to vote instead for this bastard?

    Chew your own leg-off-hate, I guess.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    It'll be interesting to see what happens when this hits the polls... Where's BTS for all this? Conspicuously absent?

  • NewChapter

    None of the conservatives have chimed in.

    I think that this view is common---that people are entitled and want hand-outs, and they most likely agree with what Romney said. Nobody is really shocked, other than to comment on the fact that he came right out and said it, allowing himself no plausible deniability. I think this really is how many conservatives see things. Of course, it doesn't really flush with the idea that red states get a great deal more of these handouts than blue states, but maybe they like to think of themselves as something they are not. Or maybe they think that in THEIR case, they have a particular set of cirmcumstances that make them not guilty of being deadbeats while still needing a hand. They just don't want to extend this consideration to others.

    I've mentioned before that my brother has a silent hobby of counting all the programs a right winger benefits from while listening to them spew hatred against Obama and government. He can always pinpoint some. And I think the thing is, these programs help so flawlessly in their lives, they don't even recognize them anymore and don't realize the impact of taking them away.

    So one person who hates government and social programs get's aid for his disabled child--health care, schooling etc. Along with a wife who received unemployment benefits, and foodstamps when times got tough. But he hates these programs. One can only wonder what kind of tax benefits they get, and they are certainly among the entitled masses that don't pay income tax--but they do pay taxes and that's the myth of the statement.


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