Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • NewChapter

    But it's not really his underwear. It's the fact that he is a leader in a high control cult.

    From where I stand, all forms of religious paraphenalia are ridiculous. When someone who wears a cross makes fun of magic underwear, it is amusing. When someone who recites a prayer by rote makes fun of Mormon ritual, it makes me shake my head. It's all superstition, and as a country, we have decided for the moment, that our president must at least have the outward appearance of being superstitious in some way. More relevant to me is that he is a cult member.

    I see he is trying to own his health care reform now. He should have done this from the beginning, but of course, he would not have won his primary. This has really got to piss off his base big time. He was supposed to have repented from that and been born again. I guess he's a backslider. He is also softening his approach toward undocumented persons. I think I hear heads exploding. The real question is will the Independents believe this Mitt, Mitt two weeks ago, or Mitt two years ago. He is dropping quite quickly in the polls in swing states. I think he needs to just give up Wisconsin, so whatever hope he had that Ryan would make a difference there is bust. In my state, he is trailing 7 points.

    If the real Mitt is coming out now (possible) it may be too late. But we all know that a reasonable person ready to govern and work with ALL of congress and America would have never won the primaries. When will the sane Republicans start to lead again? The blame for how downright bizarre their base has become rests solely on their shoulders. They catered and caved to them for too long.

    Hell----even Chick-Fil-A has adjusted and come out more moderate. They see they have a lot to lose by catering to a tiny minded group.

  • Qcmbr

    So Bizzy - by the ludicrous standard you hold up no xian should be allowed in office? Inquisition, Peasants of Steding, Crusades, Rwanda masssacres and so on. Reason and knowledge could be your friend.

  • Qcmbr

    NC - I love how Chick-Fil-A has taken a ton of money from a certain anti-gay marriage segment of society and then changed it's tack and bowed to business pressure.

  • NewChapter

    He's not a run-of-the mill religious person. He is a member of a cult. As a leader in that cult, he tried to pressure a woman to give up her unborn child to a nice Mormon couple or risk displeasing his church and facing excommunication. As a leader in that cult, he went to the hospital to visit a pregnant woman with a serious blood clot in her pelvis and put religious pressure on her not to end the pregnancy (he is always good at risking other people's lives).

    No. I do not think a cult member is fit to be POTUS. But I still don't care about the underwear.

  • NewChapter

    NC - I love how Chick-Fil-A has taken a ton of money from a certain anti-gay marriage segment of society and then changed it's tack and bowed to business pressure.

    We'll see how that turns out for them. When we look at the extremely conservative states, we find that per capita, they use a lot more social services, (those services they hate so much) which means they have a lot less money to eat out. Perhaps the boycotts really did affect them. I don't know. I didn't expect it to happen.

  • NewChapter

    NC - I love how Chick-Fil-A has taken a ton of money from a certain anti-gay marriage segment of society and then changed it's tack and bowed to business pressure.

    We'll see how that turns out for them. When we look at the extremely conservative states, we find that per capita, they use a lot more social services, (those services they hate so much) which means they have a lot less money to eat out. Perhaps the boycotts really did affect them. I don't know. I didn't expect it to happen.

  • james_woods

    Chick-Fil-A is badly off topic on this thread.

    Let us return to the kingly sport of virulent Romney-hate.

  • Qcmbr

    I think Mitt has been undone not by his personal failings but because of the Republican party itself. No sane middle of the road candidate could have been nominated this year because the party seems to have been swung too far right by a vocal mix of tea party members and (normally religious) extreme right wingers. Mitt is looking shonky because he is having to lie just to keep his own party in line. I bet , one on one, outside of politics, most people would find Mitt to be the exact opposite of what his public persona seems to be. I think that it is the Republican party that we can't have in power (obstructionism in the middle of a crisis for crying out loud.) I really think Mitt says some pretty cack stuff but I don't think for a minute that's how he really feels. He wants to solve problems and fix stuff but he has to keep on talking about policy and has to keep saying wild stuff that isn't his authentic self because he has to keep appealing to a party that has a right wing problem.

  • NewChapter

    He refuses to give policy details. He simply won't answer. Many of us assume it is because it is so crazy right, he thinks it is best to hide it. But the more I think about it, the details may just be moderate and he can't get elected without his base, who hold moderates in contempt and spit the word moderate out like they are cussing.

    Hard to tell with Romney. His history would suggest he is much more moderate, but he has not been consistent for a very long time, so nobody can judge it. It has turned him into a liar--over and over--and that is a shame. Had he been thinking about the middle, rather than his reactionary power thirsty base, I believe he would have made different decisions following the embassy attack. He strikes me as someone who has lost his way. A puppet.

  • james_woods

    That is much better - did anybody mention today that Romney drowns newborn puppies?

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