But it's not really his underwear. It's the fact that he is a leader in a high control cult.
From where I stand, all forms of religious paraphenalia are ridiculous. When someone who wears a cross makes fun of magic underwear, it is amusing. When someone who recites a prayer by rote makes fun of Mormon ritual, it makes me shake my head. It's all superstition, and as a country, we have decided for the moment, that our president must at least have the outward appearance of being superstitious in some way. More relevant to me is that he is a cult member.
I see he is trying to own his health care reform now. He should have done this from the beginning, but of course, he would not have won his primary. This has really got to piss off his base big time. He was supposed to have repented from that and been born again. I guess he's a backslider. He is also softening his approach toward undocumented persons. I think I hear heads exploding. The real question is will the Independents believe this Mitt, Mitt two weeks ago, or Mitt two years ago. He is dropping quite quickly in the polls in swing states. I think he needs to just give up Wisconsin, so whatever hope he had that Ryan would make a difference there is bust. In my state, he is trailing 7 points.
If the real Mitt is coming out now (possible) it may be too late. But we all know that a reasonable person ready to govern and work with ALL of congress and America would have never won the primaries. When will the sane Republicans start to lead again? The blame for how downright bizarre their base has become rests solely on their shoulders. They catered and caved to them for too long.
Hell----even Chick-Fil-A has adjusted and come out more moderate. They see they have a lot to lose by catering to a tiny minded group.