Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • BizzyBee

    Where's BTS for all this?

    In all fairness, I don't know of anyone, anywhere who's been a Romney booster. He was the default candidate and now that he is losing, the rats are deserting his sinking ship.

    Watch the focus now shift to down-ticket candidates.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    i guess the next shoe to drop is these comments were made at a hedgefund managers house who is know for the lavish parties and orgies!

    maybe that will bring the conservatives out ;-)

  • BizzyBee

    At the dinner, Romney also said that the campaign purposefully was using Ann Romney “sparingly…so that people don’t get tired of her.”

    Too late.

    As conservative pundit Michael Savage said,

    The issue that’s troubling me is Ann Romney. I don’t like the prominence that she is taking. She is enjoying herself a little too much. She is not doing him a service, as far as I am concerned, by playing such a prominent role.

  • mrsjones5

    " At the dinner, Romney also said that the campaign purposefully was using Ann Romney “sparingly…so that people don’t get tired of her.”

    I read to my hubby and he said that was a crappy thing for Romney to say about his wife.

  • BizzyBee

    Yeah, how insulting was that?

    They used to tout her as his secret weapon, who could make him seem human and appealing. Oh, I guess that didn't work out.

    As one campaign advisor said, "If you have work to convince voters that you're human, you've already lost."

  • ziddina

    I assume that people have commented upon that HUGE contradiction in the first part of the Romney video??

    "What I have to [do] is convince the five to ten percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not..."

    You have got to be kidding me...

    If that's an example of his thought processes - well, his brains are scrambled and then some. I think it may be the Republican party's emotional approach to politics, overriding Romney's ability to make cohesive comments...

    That reminds me of the creationist video, in which one character tries to explain, "how to convince people to think logically and biblically - how to circumnavigate - or go around - their intellect..."

    lion facepalm

  • ziddina

    Is anyone else getting the impression that Romney isn't the brightest crayon in the box???

    This "speech" - speaking of high-school children - is practically at the level of a high school jock trying to convince the other guys on the team that the new kid isn't fit to join the team. It's sophomoric, lacking polish and certainly not at the level of many famous speeches of the past.

    I mean - even Richard Nixon or Dwight D. Eisenhower would probably have been much more capable as off-the-cuff speakers than Romney.

  • designs

    The wife who was to humanize Mitt can't help him if he keeps talking.

  • HelpMeBelieve

    Romney (Mormon) and Ryan (Ayn Rand) provide a strange choice for Fundamental Christians. Ryan stated "Rand was his role model" Brad Pitt and Angelina Joe are Rand lovers too.

    Some place burried in Romney's body might be a heart, I can't accuse Ryan who is willing to destroy the program his mother lived off of. Ryan's dad died, his mother received Social Security Survivor bennies to provide food and housing money.

    Ryan want's to make his millions the way Newt, Tom Delay and Mitch Mconnel did, by being consulting clowns for big money.

  • Sulla

    The problems with darthfrosty's map shoud be obvious, though. Two jump right out:

    First, it is missing the 20% of the non-filers who pay no tax. The explanation makes this clear, of course, but that is such a large proportion that it isn't clear that we can say which states have the highest non-payment rates.

    Second, he losing party's share of the vote, even in deep red or deep blue states, is greater than 40%. So, the map is way too simplistic to make any sort of conclusion.

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