Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    So, is that it is? Class warfare between old money and modestly-wealthy nouveau riche? BO should get the GOP's "aspirational voters" then, as they are more attainable role models: both BO and Michelle are lawyers who came from modest means. You can control your life choices, but you cannot pick your rich parents...

    Mitt is the first Presidential candidate to hold a Swiss bank account: maybe we should see his birth certificate, as maybe he's actually a citizen of Switzerland (which explains much about his neutrality on issues, reflected by the flip-flopping)?

  • Glander

    KS - " So, is that it is?" (strange syntax but I am chewing it over.)

    designs - " Well let me just pour you a Mint julep and tell the coloreds to get back out in the field..."

    LOL. I guess this is all that's left of any pretense of winning minds and influencing people. Throwing rocks.

  • designs

    Conservative and sensitive, my you are a rare speciman.

  • darth frosty
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Yeah, that kind of syntax and formatting issues are what happens when I post and edit from an iOS device on this forum, but you got the general idea, I see (insert a missing 'what', or remove the 'is').

    And if releasing the tax return did nothing else, we learned that "Mitt" is apparently a nickname (or middle name), to cover up that his REAL first name is "Willard". Who but out-of-touch old-moneyed white people name their children "Willard"?

    (and no kidding, that fact has NOTHING to do with a candidate's ability to lead, a message that was lost on Republicans who took every opportunity in 2008 to exploit the xenophobia of voters, pointing out how Obama's full name is Barack Hussein Obama, with a strange-sounding African and Muslim first and middle name.)

  • Berengaria
    Franklin D Roosevelt - John F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy - George Washinton and Thomas Jefferson, et al- All wealthy men before they ever got into politics.

    Yes they were. Yet they apparently had no use for old world class distinctions. Not to mention realizing that extreme disparity does nothing but weaken a country. When the majority thrives, the country is stronger.

    The problem with Lord and Lady Romney is that they seem to feel that the Presidency is owed to them. It's "their turn". It's the closest thing to Royalty America has, and they deserve it. It's the last feather to add to their cap. They have no interest in governing, no strongly held convictions, no desire to do good for the American people. They are simply entitled.

  • Qcmbr

    Bollocks Berengia. There is no way you can even pretend to know that.

  • Berengaria

    LOL, Bollocks yourself Q

    See up there the word "seem"?

    Anne actually said "it's our turn".

    You appear to have a rather emotional interest in this election, even though you are not American Is it just because the Romney's are your cult mates? Glenn Beck was brought to tears over the thought of a fellow Mormon in the White House.

  • Qcmbr

    You said they have no interest in governing nor have any strongly held convictions. That is grade A stupidity. Of course they have strongly held convictions and of course they want to govern. You may disagree on their convictions and you may not wish them to govern but why let that get in the way of bizarre pointless comments.

    For your info, were I a US citizen and voting I would be voting Obama.

  • Berengaria
    Of course they have strongly held convictions and of course they want to govern.

    What indications do you have of this? There is prolific evidence to the contrary.

    The man has been running for President for years, literally years. On any given day his apparent convictions change to the exact opposite. He has said more than once that he is not concerned with this or that group of citizens, but only need get 51% of the vote. What mutterings of policy he has put forth do nothing for the majority of Americans, but only his rarefied percentile. There is a difference between governing and decreeing.

    You may disagree on their convictions

    I may disagree, if I could divine exactly what they are.

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