Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • botchtowersociety
    my proof is that i read your source. i've seen it, that's definitely not how i remember the article going.

    Well, your memory is faulty and that is not proof. I read it too, and that's definitely not how I remember it going.

    I asked the author about it, by the way, and he agrees, NOT A RETRACTION! (bold mine):

    BTS ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 AT 2:21 PM SAID:

    Kevin, is your update a retraction of the original statement?

    • SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 AT 8:36 PM SAID:

      No, it is an addition of content (namely the animated GIF). Like it says at the UPDATE.

      It is noted that there is a slight change in the image which several video professionals have told me is due to auto-focus or auto-sensitivity adjust due to the bright white sleeve in the foreground in the second still.

  • designs

    Is Mitt's friend Netanyahu the Karzai of Israel.

  • designs

    Ann Romney cancels speech at Fundraiser after Stop.Itgate.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Romney Threatened To Cancel Univision Forum If Organizers Didn't Allow Him To Bus In Supporters

    By Igor Volsky on Sep 22, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    Mitt Romney packed the audience for a Univision forum earlier this week, BuzzFeed's McKay Coppins reports, busing in local supporters "after exhausting the few conservative groups on campus." The campaign threatened to "reschedule" the event if organizers did not allow the "rowdy activists from around southern Florida in order to fill the extra seats at their town hall."

    Romney also refused to come out on stage after the hosts introduced him by noting that he "had agreed to give the network 35 minutes, and that Obama had agreed to a full hour the next night." Univision re-taped the introduction after Romney allegedly "threw a tantrum."

    During the event, Romney dodged four questions about whether he would maintain President Obama's directive allowing young undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States on a temporary basis and said that he is happy to be known as "the grandfather of Obamacare."

    Romney has a history of padding the audience. During a speech before National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) in June, the GOP presidential candidate also brought in his supporters to the address.

  • designs

    Hispanic or African American and not feeling the GOP Love, Boehner said at a luncheon yesterday that he is counting on your apathy to not show up to Vote.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Just for S&G


  • designs

    I like the contrast- Ann Romney responds to criticism with 'Stop it! This is hard' and goes into hiding cancelling speaking engagements while Michelle Obama who has heard her husband called every vulgar name and slur under the sun keeps on reaching out.

  • botchtowersociety
    Hispanic or African American and not feeling the GOP Love

    Half the country don't feel the Obama love.

  • designs

    darth frosty- Did you ever see someone lose a Tan so fast in your life (1 day) came off in the shower I guess

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    No designs I have not

    Burns like I said in the thread where they were predicting margins all Obama needs are the key electoral states.

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